【Day1】Kanazawa to Fukui(Snow crab tour) E-1⭐⭐⭐⭐


’21. 13th, Nov

This route(E-1) is in Area-E “Chubu-Hokuriku". See Area-E map/ See Japan map

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More info in strava

Sight & Entertainment ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Foods & Drinks ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Easiness ⭐⭐

Road condition ⭐⭐

Safety ⭐⭐

My first long journey using Shinkansen, 3 nights 4 days riding in Hokuriku area in my special 5 days holiday. Since I love this area and have been dreamed eating snow crab in its season, I booked a famous Japanese style hotel, “Furuki" a kind of guest house who serves the brand snow crab from Mikuni fishing port on 13th, Nov, just 1 week after lifting a seasonal ban of crab fishing.

 I took 1st train(Hokuriku shinkansen 6:16AM at Tokyo terminal) to keep the last row of a car to put my bike on the back of my seat(pic.1), so I had to wake up at 4:00AM.. (*pls read the “Caution" of Hokuriku Shinkansen at “Notice" Reaching Kanazawa station(pic.2) at 8:45AM it seemed a little rainy but the weather forecast told it would be fine soon.

There were around 50km to pass through Ishikawa prefecture to Fukui prefecture and no specific hills on the way but I felt tired around 25km point, which was caused by heavy luggage on my shoulders and by waking up early morning. Even worse, the road was not designed for cycling and many local drivers passed by with too much care against me, which piled fatigue on me. So at the crossing point with a little hill climbing, I was already exhausted. But there was still a hill climbing toward Eiheiji temple (Pic.3-9) which my brother recommended to feel sacred atmosphere.

3.Eiheiji temple gate

The slope to Eiheiji became steep as the height increased and finally reached the gate(pic.3). Though it was a little early for red leaves season in this year, the color of leaves healed me. This temple was opened by Dogen, a Zen monk around 800 years ago and now around 150 monks practice. I just wanted to feel the atmosphere but you can try Zen practice or copying sutra if you want.

8. Sariden(reliquary hall)
9. Autumn leaves & moss green

It was so sacred that I wanted to stay longer but I also wanted to see the sunset from Tojin-bo, so I left Eiheiji around 2:30PM toward my hotel “Furuki", over 30km from Eiheiji. The road was not designed for cycling but very few cars were running(pic.10), it was easy ride except for my fatigue.

13. Toujin-bo

I reached “Furuki" at 4:00PM and started again toward Toujin-bo around 4:45PM, which was my mistake. The sunset time was around 5:00PM but there was 6km and up-hills unexpectedly. I didn’t have spare power to hurry up, so sunset was seen(pic.11) before reaching Toujin-bo.

Toujin-bo is 1km long with 25m height cliff Dacite Columnar joint which can be seen only in Korea, Norway and here. I wanted to walk around this area but no power was left.. After sitting one place to see the sky darkening for a while, I got back to the hotel.

14. Snow crab Kaiseki cuisine

Now the coveted time for snow crab. I heard from my brother that too much crab dishes would come and impossible to eat up. Pic.14 was 1st dishes of the course, and after eating raw snow crab, the main course(pic.15) came. Then finally the hot pot for snow crab came to me. Indeed, I could not eat up but they kept the rest for my breakfast. The crab’s meat was firm and its taste was so delicious, a little sweet with rich flavor of crab, which can’t be experienced in Southern urban area. It deserved \35000- for one night. And don’t forget to order Japanese Sake. Fukui has many famous delicious Sake like nationwide constituency, Kokuryu. But pls try really local one which are lined up in the hotel.

<Transformation info>

From Tokyo to Kanazawa: 2.5hrs by Hokuriku Shinkansen \14380-

<Other recommended spots near my route>

Kenrokuen Japanese 3 major traditional garden in Kanazawa

Kaga hot springs Btw Kanazawa and Fukui

Mikuniko(port) Market fishing port for snow crab (*Only written in Japanese)

<Connection route>

E-1(Day2): Fukui to Lake Biwa