Nagoya to Toyohashi(D-9)⭐⭐ ‘22.9th, Jul


This route(D-9) is in Area-D “Tokai". See Area-D map / See Japan map

Sight & Entertainment ⭐⭐

Foods & Drinks ⭐⭐⭐

Easiness ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐(*up to weather)

Road Condition ⭐⭐

Safety ⭐

I carried my bike to my Bz trip to Osaka area to ride on Saturday but weather forecast told me it would rain in my original planned riding area. Then I changed my plan to ride in the area where it would not rain till noon. That was Nagoya to Toyohashi which I had thought boring ride, but it was a “must" ride to connect Japan with one stroke, which was the sub-target of my cycling activity.

To go across Nagoya city, 10km ride on wide busy streets was required(pic.1,2). Finally Route-1 was separated from the elevated highway road, then the width for cycling way became narrower but many big trucks passed by very closely since this Route-1 is the main road of Japan. Sometimes ancient atmosphere appears like pic.3 since Route-1 was also the main route from the past.

4.Chiryu shrine

That’s why there are some historical spots like Chiryu shirine(pic.4) which has over 1200 year history. Next I dropped in Okazaki castle where Ieyasu Tokugawa who opened Edo era in 1603 for 260 years was born.

5.Okazaki castle

 It was around 40km from Nagoya but sun shine and heat had already deprived me of my stamina so I didn’t visit inside the castle but just bought cold drink and the local traditional food, Goheimochi(pic.6) which was made of rice cake with local sweet miso(soybean paste) @\300-. It was around 10AM, so the fast food was very suitable for my condition.

From the castle I took the road toward bay area, Gamagori city to find a good sea food restaurant. There was a low mountain among 2 cities which might not be so tough in mild seasons. I found a good reputed restaurant by Google search, Minatomachi-shokudo in front of the fishing port. It opens at 11:30AM and I reached there at 11:45 but fully occupied at 12:00. I waited for 20min after ordering but I realized the reason of popularity with a bite. The side dishes as well as fish cuisine were also delicious and the set price was cheap(\900-).

From here to Toyohashi was around 20km ride. I reached Toyohashi at 1:30PM and got back to Nagoya to pick up my Bz luggage.

<Other recommended spots near my route>

Nagoya castle

<Connected route>

D-10: Ise to Nagoya

D-13: Hamanako-lake cycling