S-3 Edo River cycling(North)


This route(S-3) is in Area-S “Short trips". See Area-S map/ See Japan map

Edo river, total 60km long river flowing on the border of west side of Chiba prefecture, is very convenient place for bike exercise. Since I’m living in Matsudo city, middle basin of Edo river, I(we) sometimes ride to north top of the river, Sekiyado(pic.1) which was a transportation hub from 16th century, and a castle was restored in modern era.

Both west and east riverbank have a cycling (with pedestrian) roads which never end up to Sekiyado but west bank road is better than east. And only one rest spot is found on the west bank(pic.2) at Matsubushi on the way to Sekiyado. Of course Sekiyado has rest rooms but pls be careful especially in winter season.

From Matsudo city to Sekiyado, there are 40km. In May to June, we can enjoy a carpet of canola field on the banks and cosmos in autumn. But flat places are mostly occupied with playgrounds such for baseball and golf, so if you want to relax at somewhere, I recommend to visit Shimizu park(Sorry only Japanese site found), 1km east of Edo river around 50km point from the sea. Many seasonal flowers can be seen(pic.3) and there are camping places which require booking.

Honestly speaking, there is no entertaining at Sekiyado(pic.4). So I recommend to visit SAKAI roadside station(Sorry again I could find only Japanese version), a few km east from Sekiyado. We have to cross Tone river and the cycling and pedestrian way is only on downstream side of Tone river. It’s a little tough to find the way but we must use the pedestrian way for safety reason.

The Ibaraki pref. is well known agricultural place and its station sell many local vegetables as well as good fruits. And recently(as of ’22 July) a popular sandwich shop opened(pic.5,6). Their ones use local fresh fruits or vegetables, eggs, meats abundantly at 400-600 JPY for each. The taste was so nice that many people were making queue to seek them.

<Transportation info>

From Tokyo station to Matsudo station: 30min by JR Joban line (\396-)

<Other spots near my route>

Mizumoto Park (Tokyo side, 8km from Matsudo station)

Short trip

Posted by Ryosuke.Kusaka