S-6 Sawara & Tone river


This route is in “Short trips". See “Short trips" map/ See Japan map

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 Tone River has the largest basin area in Japan which flows from West Kanto to East Kanto, Choshi city. Originally the river flowed toward south Kanto, now Tokyo area but in Edo era, the river direction was changed toward East, Choshi city to control the flood. That’s why Edo river and Tone river are divided at Sekiyado(pls refer to my S-3 article)the north top of Chiba prefecture.

I’ve already rode on the west side Tone river up to Sekiyado, but the cycling road was often terminated and had to ride on a narrow farm road on which cars also run. So I don’t like western side from point B in my map above. Instead, I often take this course, Tega-numa→A→B→Sawara city when we gather at Kasumigaura for 1 round cycling.

2. Sawara old town

This time, my destination was Sawara city which is dubbed as “Small Edo". The city prospered by its hub function of water transportation in Edo era. Since my home is close to Tega numa, I took Tega river(A-B) which also has a good cycling road to Tone river. From B point to Tone river bank, need to take a normal road for one Km. Then taking the bank road(pic.1) for 40km up to Sawara. The cycling road is well paved and safe. But in winter, north west wind is very strong and in summer, many insects are flying, so putting goggles is strongly recommended. I once turned over by losing balance, which was caused an insect flying to my eye from my side direction. He came btw Sun-glass and my eye. Since that accident, I always wear goggles especially in river bank cycling.

After reaching JR Sawara station, still going East to a small canal(pic.2). There are old type Japanese houses which are mostly renovated to cafes or shops along the canal. Among them, there is Tadataka Inoh's former residence(pic.3,4). He was a Edo era great man who created Japanese map by walking every inch of Japan. It’s now his museum and see his era’s housing.

Since this area is famous for eel or soba cuisine, I wanted to visit a famous Japanese style restaurant “Kakyouan“, but it was fully booked. And other restaurants as well. So I took a light lunch and instead dropped in an antique cafe, “Tokyo Bandwagon“(pic.5,6) whose original name was Inoh because an descendant was running this cafe but the cafe was used in a filming of drama, “Tokyo Bandwagon". Fortunately a seat was available, so I could enjoy the antique atmosphere as well as some scenes of drama.

I had to ride on a same road to my home but if going back to Tokyo, taking a JR train from Sawara station is better.

<Transportation info>

From Tokyo to Sawara: JR Sobu rapid line to Chiba, change train for JR Narita line to Sawara. About 2hrs, \1694-. Seasonally B.B.Base(cycle train) stops at Sawara station. Pls check the web site.

From Narita airport, just 20km.

<Other recommendable spots near this route>

Tega-numa (pls refer to my S-4)

Short trip

Posted by Ryosuke.Kusaka