Osaka castle to Wakayama castle(F-2)⭐⭐⭐’22.6th,Aug


This route(F-2) is in Area-F “Kinki". See Area-F map/ See Japan map

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Sight & Entertainment ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Foods & Drinks ⭐⭐ *Up to planning, Osaka has lots of cuisines.

Easiness ⭐⭐⭐

Road condition ⭐⭐⭐

Safety ⭐⭐⭐

 I utilized the chance of cycling in my Bz trip to Kyoto area. Originally I planned to ride from Ise to Nagoya but due to weather forecast I again changed to Osaka area, then came up with this route. Starting at ShinOsaka station at 7:00AM, I rode to most of famous spots in Osaka. So though I didn’t stay each spot so long, it took around 2hrs to ride 20km. Osaka area was the key city from ancient times to modern times because it’s located near Kyoto, center of government till Meiji era(modern times), and it’s the commercial gate of Kyoto, western Japan. So the 2nd biggest city in Japan has many historical spots.

First stop was an old shrine, Osaka tenmangu(pic.1,2) which was originally built in 7th century to protect the south-west region of the ancient capital, Nara, in southern area of Kyoto. The existing main hall was rebuilt in 19th century. In such early morning, neighbors came to pray gods in ancient Japanese style.

5. Houkoku shrine

Next one was Osaka castle(pic.3~5). This may be too famous for foreigners to introduce now but one of the must-see points when you visit Osaka. Briefly speaking, the original big castle was built by Hideyoshi Toyotomi who unified whole are of Japan for the first time in late 16th century, civil war era. But soon after his death, Ieyasu Tokugawa who opened 260 years’ Edo era overturned its governance in 1615 and his castle was destroyed. So current castle’s base was built in Edo era(17th century). But most of western area people are fond of Toyotomi rather than eastern general, Tokugawa. So in early 20th century, Houkoku shrine(pic.5) which enshrines Toyotomi family was built in the Osaka castle park.

6. Shinsekai(town) & Tsutenkaku(tower)

Next stop was the typical downtown of Osaka, Shinsekai(the meaning is “a new world")(pic.6). The Tsutenkaku tower is the symbol of Osaka city and there are many typical Osaka cuisine restaurants, especially “Kushi-Katsu"(deep-fried skewers) restaurants around the tower. You may be surprised their gaudy looks of restaurants where you feel the atmosphere of Osaka people which can’t be felt in Tokyo.

Still 10km riding but already 1hr passed. Since I’m not used to Osaka city, I had to check each street I’m riding on. Wide main roads were relatively safe since they had wide cycling space as well. But it didn’t carry me directly to next spot, Sumiyoshi shrine and some wide roads didn’t have enough width for cycling, it was hard 5km trip.

 Sumiyoshi shrine(pic.7,8) is one of the most famous shrine in Japan which was originally built in 3rd century. Its origin is almost mythological story but like Ise shrine(pls refer to my D-5 article), I experienced sacred feeling here.

Then going to final spot in Osaka, Nintoku emperor tomb(pic.9,10). It’s one of the world 3 largest ancient tomb, among Pyramid of Khufu, 1st Qin emperor tomb. Pic.9 is south-west corner of tomb and pic.10 is center south point. From horizontal view, it just looks like a bush..

Now heading to Wakayama city. The time was 9:30AM but still over 60km remained. Besides, the heavy black clouds appeared in front of my way. Anyway I had to keep riding earnestly. Fortunately I was caught in a slight rain and could keep riding in a high pitch. The Route-26 which seemed running to Wakayama directly was busy but good for riding. But just before climbing for crossing the mountain pass, it became a motorway(green color board) and had to deviate to coast road(Route-752). I prepared myself to endure a hard hill climb but fortunately its slope was not so severe(pic.11). Maybe that was only the last 500m which had 10 degree tilt.

14. Wakayama castle tower

There were around 10km after the cross to Wakayama castle which I had wanted to visit someday. It’s located on a hill and has a beautiful form(pic.14). The base of current castle was also built in Edo era.

Now I took a lunch at the castle. Here Wakayama is famous for salted plums and mandarin orange. So my lunch became Udon with salted plum and mandarin orange juice(pic.16). It fit my hot body.

<Transportation info>

From Wakayama to Osaka: JR Kishu-ji rapid train 1.5hrs \1270-