Amagi pass climbing(D-3)⭐⭐⭐ ‘21.19th,Sep.


This route is in Area-D “Tokai". See Area-D map/ See Japan map

More info in Strava

Sight & Entertainment ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Food & Drinks ⭐⭐ *up to your plan, I recommend hot spring.

Easiness ⭐⭐⭐

Road condition ⭐⭐⭐ *Kano river bank(⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)

Safety ⭐⭐⭐

1.Kano river bank cycling road
2.My friend(at bank cycling road)

 My friend from high school days has a second house in Mishima, near Kano river. He is one of the professional cyclist and invited me to enjoy Kano river and Izu mountain cycling. The day before cycling, I stayed his home and drank (too much) then started around 8:00AM.

Unfortunately we couldn’t see Mt.Fuji from the bank but the cycling road was well paved. So it was a very comfortable riding(pic.1,2). Up to 17km from our start(20km from Mishima station), it was flat and no stress but the slope started near Shuzenji station area. And it became steeper when the normal road separated from highway. The higher, the steeper it became. The cycling road disappeared and it was common road with motor cars and not so wide and a little slippery.

3. Joren-no-taki(water fall)

Anyhow, I reached Joren-no-taki, very famous water fall in Japan since its name is used in a famous Enka, traditional Japanese ballad. And it’s on the list of 100 most beautiful water falls in Japan. This day was just after rainy day and water amount was too much..

I wanted to reach the hill top, Amagi pass point which was 7km from Joren-no-taki, but my friend was in hangover, so only I went a little way further to Namesawa valley, 3km before the pass. It was a refreshing spot with green and clear stream (pic.4,5).

Now the time for downhill. We dropped in a road side station, Izu Tsukigase. It sells many Izu area ingredients and we bought soy sauce mixing egg and sea urchin(pic.6) which won the 1st prize of seasoning competition in 2019. It’s very tasty to eat with white rice.

Returning the same route and we said good by near his house and I headed to Mishima station. Near the station, there is a famous shrine, Mishima shrine(ref. Mishima city guide) whose origin is uncertain but it became famous when the top of the 1st samurai government prayed victory here in late 12th century. This time I just took a picture from outside of the gate(pic.7).

<Transportation info>

From Tokyo to Mishima : JR Tokai local train 2.1hrs \2,310-. JR Tokai Shinkansen 50min \4,070-

<Other recommendable spots near my route>

Shuzenji hot spring area

Mishima Rakujuen

Izu cycling: Izu peninsula has tough but nice cycling road with spectacular sight.

<Connecting route>

D-2: Hakone pass climbing