Fukurota water fall to Mito(C-10)⭐⭐⭐ ‘21.10th,Aug


This route is in Area-C “Kanto". See Area-C map/ See Japan map

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Sight & Entertainment ⭐⭐⭐

Foods & Drinks ⭐ *No special foods in this trip

Easiness ⭐⭐⭐

Road Condition ⭐⭐⭐

Safety ⭐⭐⭐

It was a hot summer day in a pre-emergency measure for COVID19. I started at my home at 5:00AM and reached Fukuroda station at 8:50AM. There was no station attendant in the station(Pls refer to “Notice" page to travel in such remote countryside.).

This area is called “Oku-kuji" in which beautiful autumn leaves can be seen along the Kuji-river so I should have come here in autumn. Anyway I got off here since I wanted to visit Fukuroda-falls which is one of the 3 most famous water fall in Japan. Though I visited just the last fall(pic.3,4) but it falls 120m in a staircase pattern. It must be very beautiful in autumn.

4.Fukuroda waterfall
5.Ryujin big suspension bridge

After the falls, there were 2 options. One is to go down to Mito city along the Kuji-river and another is go down the next line to drop in Ryujin valley to see the longest suspension bridge(pic.5) and to experience a bungee jump if there is a chance. I took 2nd one and started pass-climbing. Unexpectedly it was a little steep. But it was much steeper when I deviated to approach the Ryujin suspension bridge. By this, I became too much tired. And unfortunately the bungee attraction as well as all shops were closed due to COVID.

Now the time for just down-hill. The normal road was not so in a good condition but once getting on the cycling road sometimes appears along the river(pic.6), it became a nice cycling in a rural sight(pic.7). It’s very typical Japanese local scenery in Summer. But gradually the heat deprived me of stamina and I lost feelings after 50km. The heat in North Kanto area is much harsher than that in Tokyo.

Somehow I reached Mito city and I visited Kairakuen which is one of the 3 major Japanese garden, made by one of Tokugawa family who ruled the Japan in Edo era. Actually it’s beautiful typical Japanese garden but I should have come here in Spring or Autumn. Too hot to enjoy the atmosphere. Only the shade of pine trees or bamboo trees saved me a little.

As the conclusion, my rating might be higher if I rode in a same route in Spring or Autumn.

<Transportation info>

From Tokyo to Fukuroda: 4hrs(2.1hrs by JR Joban line to Mito→ 1.5hr JR Suigun line to Fukuroda) \3,080-

<Other recommendable spots near my route>

Oku-kuji, Daigo town

Hitachi seaside park

<Connection route>

C-8: Seaside route (from Choshi) to Mito

C-12: Fukuroda to Nasu pateau