Kinugawa cycling, Utsunomiya to Matsudo(C-15)⭐⭐ ’22. 15th,Aug


This route is in Area-C “Kanto". See Area-C map/ See Japan map

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Sight & Entertainment ⭐⭐

Foods & Drinks ⭐⭐⭐

Easiness ⭐⭐ *Up to distance & weather(36~40C in my case)

Road Condition ⭐⭐⭐ (River bank⭐⭐⭐⭐/Normal road⭐)

Safety ⭐⭐⭐ (River bank⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/Normal road ⭐⭐)

Kinugawa is famous river as the river flowing in a resort town, Nikko, in north west of Kanto area. According to Utsunomiya city guide, they have improved the river’s bank around Utsunomiya city for cycling, so I examined the bank on the last day of my summer holiday.

As the conclusion, most of the way for 70km I took was well paved but once I should take deviation route to reach some shops, the farm roads running near the river were not well organized and dangerous for cycling. Though Mooka city, near Utsunomiya city is famous for its strawberry farming(season is from end of Dec to May), there is no shops near the bank. So the cycling road is just for local people to exercise. Even if coming from Tokyo to try the route, it’s better to terminate within 100km especially in extremely hot days.

I took 1st train to Utsunomiya but by a trouble of train, I reached 8:30AM, 1hr later than my plan. From Tobu Utsunomiya station to Kinugawa(river) bank, it was 7km. As soon as getting on the cycling road of the bank, it became easy for riding(pic.2). No signals and break until I took deviation to go for a strawberry gelato.

It’s not the season but I wanted to try Mooka city’s strawberry. So I dropped in a road side station “Ninomiya“, 5km away from the bank. Around this area, many farmers hold strawberry picking from Dec to May, so it’s better to do cycling here in spring season..

5.Kinugawa bank(left side)
6.Pork cutlet at “Grill Tonkichi"

Restarting at 10:15AM, I returned to the bank but I took the left bank this time. Initially it was good condition(pic.5) but soon it came far from the river and cycling road disappeared. Maybe I should have taken right bank. After making zigzag, I reached next destination, Pork cutlet restaurant, Tonkichi(pic.6) at 12:00. Now already in Ibaraki which is one of the best agricultural prefecture, and it has a brand pork, “Tsukuba-biton". I ordered a pork loin cutlet(\1350-) whose taste was a little sweet but solid. The miso soup with pork and vegetables was also good. Unfortunately it was 4km away from the bank, but if you have stamina enough, pls come try it. And as I introduced in article S-10, this area is a famous production area of “Soba". You can find a good Soba restaurant easier than cutlet one.

My cycling after lunch was a just hard training. The cy-com showed the temperature was around 40C, but still over 60km was left. Though the left bank was paved well(pic.7,8), I think I should have get on a train at Shimotsuma station of Kanto-Joso line.

Finally Kinugawa joins Tonegawa(river) in Moriya city, 20km from pic.8, the cycling road seems disappearing around 10km from pic.8, so I took a normal road from the middle.

I was completely exhausted by heat and distance and reached my home at 4:00PM. I should not have done such a mad cycling just the end of summer holiday..

<Transportation info>

From Tokyo to Utsunomiya: JR Tohoku shinkansen 50min \5,020-/ JR Utsunomiya line 2hrs \1,980-

<Connection route>

C-18: Nasu Momiji(maple) line hill climbing