Seaside line to Mito(C-8)⭐’21.24th,Jul


This route is in Area-C “Kanto". See Area-C map/ See Japan map

More info in Strava

Sight & Entertainment ⭐

Foods & Drinks ⭐

Easiness ⭐⭐⭐ *Up to weather. it was too hot in Summer.

Road condition ⭐⭐

Safety ⭐⭐⭐

1.Choshi bridge

 If I ride in another season and deviate to Naka fishing port near Mito, then the rate might have been better but just for this route, it was one of the worst route ever. I started at Choshi city at 7:30AM. I had expected to enjoy the sea view along my route but I could not find any nearer route than I took and could not see sea view(pic.2). Very few times I could see the coast far away(pic.3).

Even after passing Kashima city, the road was almost same condition and many big cars passed by and could not find any special restaurants. Finally found a restaurant at Kashimanada seaside park(pic.4) at 11:00AM, but there was no special meal.

There still remains 30km to the destination, Mito station, and it was too hot to search a fine spots. So I had no choice but to ride on a boring road. I could see Ooarai beach far away which is very popular for young people living in Tokyo area but didn’t feel like getting closer. The last 10km after turning left to Mito station felt very long.

I regret to ride on only this boring route in such hot season. If you ride here, dropping in some spots written below is strongly recommended.

<Transportation info>

From Tokyo to Choshi: JR Sobu rapid line to Chiba, then Sobu line to Choshi, 2.5hrs. \2,310- *In cycling season, BBbase(cycle train) runs directly from Ryogoku station to Choshi station.

From Mito to Tokyo: JR Joban line 2hrs. \2,310-

<Other recommendable spots near my route>

Kashima shrine: erected here over 1000 years ago to protect the east Japan.

Nakaminato fish market

Kairakuen: pls refer to my C-10 article

<Connection route>

Fukurota water fall to Mito (C-10)

Kuju Kuri hama to Choshi (C-7)