Kasumigaura half round(C-1)⭐⭐⭐⭐


This route is in Area-C “Kanto". See Area-C map/ See Japan map

②’21.26th,Jun (*strava data is '22.20th,Mar. Same route)

More info in strava

Sight & Entertainment ⭐⭐⭐

Foods & Drinks ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Easiness ⭐⭐⭐

Road condition ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Safety ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

 Our cycling team often ride on the same Kasumigaura cycling road. The strava log is taken in Mar, ’22 but those pictures are taken in my 2nd ride on Kasumigaura road with our team in June, ’21. My colleague from Tokyo used BBBase and got off Sawara station but I live in Matsudo city, Chiba prefecture, so we gathered at cafe ”Hokusai“(pic.1) on the Hitachi-Tone river side. There were 58km from my home and mainly I was riding on the Tone river bank(Same with article S-6) . Normally this season is rainy(pls refer to “Notice" weather page) but fortunately it was not on that day. So I could enjoy coffee at outside of the cafe till colleagues’ arrival.

First event in this training camp was eating lake’s natural eel(pic.2). This area is famous for eel and we can enjoy that at relatively lower cost than in Tokyo. We booked seats at “Kaisen-club Shimizu" to eat the natural eel. The thickness was so rich that the flavor was also rich. It was the best ell I’ve ever eaten before. We arrived there at 12:00PM but we were the last guests who could eat natural eels. Better to order beforehand.

As we were completely satisfied with the eel, we restarted toward Tsuchiura. The direction was North-west but unlike my first cycling here in winter, the wind was not so strong thanks to the season(pls refer to “Notice" weather page). We dropped in “Tamatsukuri" road side station(pic.4) as we do every time since there is no other choice. This time I bought ginger ice cream made around this area. The taste was interesting but not so special..

It was very long ride but thanks to colleagues as well as flat road, I didn’t feel fatigue and reached the hotel. Our hotel, BEB5 is located in front of station ticket gate and designed for cyclists since Kasumigaura is now too famous place for cyclists. We can carry our bike to accommodation floor.

After taking shower, we gathered at local restaurant to banquet with Japanese Sake. We enjoyed all Ibaraki local sake written in the menu, though I forgot to take pictures..

<Transportation info>

From Tokyo to Sawara: Normal JR Joban line 2hrs \1,694- *Seasonally BBBase runs

From Tsuchiura to Tokyo: JR Joban line 1hr \1,166-

<Other recommendable spots near my route>

Sawara city: Pls refer to my article S-6

Mt.Tsukuba & RinRin Road: pls refer to my article C-13

<Relating route>

Other than those 2 articles above; C-1: Kasumigaura one round

Kitaura to Tsuchiura: C-1

Mt.Tsukuba hill-climbing RinRin road: C-13