Aizu,Oouchi-juku to Shirakawa(B-2)⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘22.17th,Sep


This route(B-2) is in Area-B, “Tohoku". See Area-B map/ See Japan map

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Sight & Entertainment ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Foods & Drinks ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Easiness ⭐⭐

Road condition ⭐⭐

Safety ⭐⭐⭐

 I came to Bandai-machi station, again. Unlike last trip( Article B-1), the sky turned to autumn, so the top of Mt.Bandai could be seen clearly(pic.2). Before starting, don’t forget to get a certificate of getting off the train at this station(pic.1). In such very rural area, there is no station attendant nor ticket gate. If you get on a train in city area by using IC card, you should show a station staff the certificate at next station for boarding, otherwise you’ll be in trouble for IC card. (pls refer to “How to carry your bike")

Unexpectedly the road to Aizuwakamatsu city was downhill, and it was very rough for cycling.

The Tsuruga castle, an icon of Aizu city was 15km from Bandai-machi. This castle and its territory played a featured work in the Japanese restoration period in the late 19C. Since the lord was one of the strongest supporter of Edo, Tokugawa Shogun, they fought against the new power who finally opened new Japanese government, Meiji era in 1868. When the castle was surrendered by new power, young 19 warriors called “Byakkotai" suicided by their sword in near Mt.Iimoriyama, which story has been handed down to generations. So there are many documents about the lords and Byakkotai exhibited in the castle.

Now the time is around 11:00AM, Takino(pic.6~8), the local cuisine restaurant opens. The restaurant is the originator of Wappa-meshi in Aizu area. Wappa means bent wooden plate to pack rice and ingredients in its cylinder shape, and its steamed cuisine is well known in Tohoku area. Apart from this, Aizu “Negi-soba", eating Soba(buckwheat flour noodle) by Japanese leek as a chopsticks is also famous in this area. So I ordered the set menu (pic.7, \2530-). The taste of Soba was as good as that of Ibaraki prefecture(ref. S-10 article).

11.Oouchijuku view

Now the time is around noon, on time. I started toward mountains in south. On the way, wide paddy field just before reaping was shining in gold(pic.9). I thank to farmers and God for bountiful harvest.

Soon the hill climbing started and I shifted the front gear to low, but… the gear was broken! I couldn’t find the reason so I should go with higher gear. Gradually I got myself together and focused on regulating breathing and just rotating my legs, which seemed successful but legs were honest, almost cramping.

I somehow reached Oouchijuku, my second destination in this trip around 1:30PM. That day was 1st day of 3 consecutive holidays, so many tourists coming by cars were gathering there. Those houses were well preserved in old fashioned Japanese housing style and opened various kind of shops. Since the “Negi soba" originated here, many people made line for eating it in some restaurants.

I thought the only down hill was remained but it was wrong. Once I reached the bottom of valley in 10km, the road again started up hill(pic.12). There were few cars running and the slope was not so steeper than the earlier, but I was mentally damaged. I took a very short rest at Hatori dam, then again let my legs rotate again to reach Fukushima city as early as possible to enjoy drinking Sake.

The forest road(pic.14) was comfortable and finally only down hill was remained, but the distance was very far than my expectation. I didn’t plan to use Shinkansen from Shin-Shirakawa station to Fukushima, but used for drinking Sake as much as possible… By Shinkansen, only 35min at \3390-, but by local train, 1hr45min at \1520-.

Fukushima has many good Sake, so it was my long dream to enjoy many of them there. Of course I checked many bars and decided to go to “Nomidokoro-ippai“. Most of their Sake were Fukushima brand Sake which can’t be got in other area. One of them was “Black labeled Hiroki". Hiroki is now very famous hard-to-find Sake in Japan but the “Back label" is much harder to get. The taste was exquisite taste which can’t be explained here. And “Sharaku", “Ou", “Abukuma" were also good and hard-to-find in other area in Japan. It was blissful moment which I aimed through cycling.

I enjoyed talks with the guest happened to be my neighbor, so too much drank..

<Transportation info>

1st train to Bandaimachi from Tokyo; AM6:40 JR Shinkansen Yamabiko203 to Kooriyama, then JR Banetsu nishi(west) line 8:29AM to Bandaimachi. Arriving 9:24AM. \8580-

<Connection route>

To north from Bandai-machi: Mt.Bandai hill climbing to Yonezawa(B-1)

To south from Shirakawa: Nasu plateau hill climbing(C-12)

Day2 of this trip, From Yonezawa to Oogawara town(B-3)