【Day3】Matsushima to Oogawara(B-6)⭐ ‘22.5th,Nov


This route B-6 is in Area-B, “Tohoku". See Area-B map/See Japan map

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Sight & Entertainment ⭐⭐

Foods & Drinks ⭐⭐ *Up to plan. Sendai has good cuisines.

Easiness ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Road Condition ⭐⭐

Safety ⭐

3.Matsushima islands view

Final day of my North-East Japan 3 days cycling. I woke up at AM5:00 and got on AM5:56 JR train to Matsushima. Nobody was on board when the train started at Ichinoseki station(pic.1). Getting off at Matsushima station at AM7:03 and started toward Oogawara station, south of Sendai, where I finished my last cycling in Summer(pls refer to B-3 article).

Soon I reached Matsushima coast which I started this time’s cycling on 1st day(pic.2). Then a little hill climb started toward Sendai city and I could see some Matsushima islands from higher point(pic.3).

It was below 60km cycling but I wanted to catch AM10:30 train at Oogawara station to arrive at my home early, so I had to speed up on the busy R-4 road. There were many cars and trucks and the road was not designed for cycling. It was so dangerous that I don’t recommend cycling on this route. I did because I have to connect all my routes, which is imposed on myself..

Somehow I could reach at Oogawara station at AM10:00 w/o any impression on the route. If the purpose of cycling here was sight seeing in Sendai city, my evaluation may have been different.

Before getting on the Tohoku shinkansen at Sendai station, I took a lunch at the station. There were so many tourists lining for famous beef tongue restaurants and Sushi restaurants but I could find a relatively not crowded restaurant. I could eat Beef tongue stew lunch set at \1600-. Taste was good but such dish can be eaten in Tokyo, too.

<Transportation info>

From Ichinoseki to Matsushima: JR Tohoku line, 1hr10min , \1,166-

From Sendai to Ueno(Tokyo): JR Tohoku Shinkansen “Hayabusa" 1.5hrs, \11,000-

<Other recommendable spots near my route>


Sendai city sight seeing

<Connected route>

B-3: Yonezawa to Oogawara town

B-4:Matsushima to Kesennuma