Noshiro to Akita(B-13)⭐⭐’23.9th,Oct


This route B-13 is in Area-B “Tohoku". See Area-B map/ See Japan map

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Final day of my 3days trip to Northern Japan. I had to catch AM11:07 Shinkansen at Akita station, so I started AM6:00 from Noshiro city(pic.1). There seemed only R-7 to go faster, but the road was not in a good condition for cycling. The surface was very rough, and width for cyclists was very narrow, which was natural since this route was not for cyclists.

After 20km, I came to the area of reclaimed land, Hachiro-gata(pic.2,3) which is the most famous example of reclaiming land in JPN. If there is time, I recommend to visit Oga peninsula to see the whole view of Hachiro-gata and Japanese sea but for me, it was too far to visit in this trip.

The straight boring road continued for 40km after reaching Hachiro-gata. But thanks to no up & downs I could reach Akita station before my target time.

Since most of local restaurants opens at AM11:00, I gave up entering them and bought a local lunch box(pic.5). Akita prefecture is famous for rice(Akita-komachi), chicken(Hinai-jidori), hot pot dish(Kiri-tanpo nabe), as well as many delicious fishes. This time I bought a chicken lunch.

The Shinkansen “Komachi" is designed to run in a narrow rail width area, so there are only 2 sheets row and the space for bike is also narrow(pic.6).

<Transportation info>

Akita to Tokyo: Akita station AM11:07 dep. Komachi No.22 → PM2:58 at Ueno \17,810-

<Other recommendable spots near my route>

Oga peninsula

<Connection route>

B-12: Hirosaki to Noshiro

B-14: Akita to Sakata cycling