Onomichi to Kurashiki(G-1⭐⭐⭐) ‘22.5th.Jun


This route(G-1) is in Area-G “Chugoku". See Area-G map/ See Japan map

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Sight & Entertainment ⭐⭐⭐

Food & Drinks ⭐⭐(Up to your plan)

Easiness ⭐⭐⭐️⭐️

Road Condition ⭐⭐⭐

Safety ⭐⭐⭐

Last night we stayed in Onomichi after completing “Shimanami sea route"(H-1) We had to go home before night since the next day would be Monday and the weather forecast said heavy rain was coming to this area, but we decided to ride to 60km east city, Kurashiki in the morning time, since we wanted to visit a famous historical area in that city.

We started the hotel at 7:45AM toward East mainly on the national route 2. Unlike our image, the road for bikes was relatively wide compared to those in Tokyo area and traffic in this Sunday morning was not heavy. So we could ride with less stress. We reached Fukuyama city where Fukuyama castle(pic.2) is located next to Fukuyama (Shinkansen) station in 1 hr. Since it was too early and clouds were chasing us, we soon started to East. After the castle, we didn’t have any special spots before Kurashiki, just riding btw this area’s typical low mountains. BTW, pls be careful not to go up to the overpass of Route 2 around 50km point from Onomichi. The width for bicycles is narrow and big trucks pass frequently on the overpass. You can take good roads for bikes and pedestrians under the overpasses up to Takahashi river. Finally we turned left into Route 429, and reached Kurashiki station in 4km. Then turning left to Kurashiki Bikan(beauty sight) historical area within 0.5km.

5. Kurashiki Bikan historical area

We had to catch around 2:00PM Shinkansen from Okayama station, — 20 min taking from Kurashiki by local train, we could not enjoy the nice restaurants nor beauty of old buildings. If you love to enjoy such an atmosphere, it’ll take half a day. BTW, “Kibi-dango" ,known as dumpling in a famous Japanese fairy tail originated in this area. “Kibi" is this area’s ancient name, and “dango" means dumpling. There were many “Kibi-dango" shop(pic.4) here. The taste is a little sweet.

<Transportation info>

To Kurashiki: From Tokyo: Tokaido Shinkansen to Okayama(3.5hr), then change to JR Sanyo line(17min) ¥16,600-

<Other recommended spots near my route>

I don’t know any special ones but the route to the north low mountains from Kurashiki seems nice. I’ll try someday.

<Connection routes>

G-3: Kure to Onomichi