Nasu Momiji(maple) line hill climbing(C-18)⭐⭐⭐⭐’23.4th,Nov.

This route C-18 is in Area-C “Kanto". See Area-C map/ See Japan map

Sight & Entertainment ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Food & Drinks ⭐⭐

Easiness ⭐⭐

Road condition ⭐⭐

Safety ⭐⭐⭐

 Now is the good season for autumn leaves in mountains. This year I chose Nasu Plateau since it was relatively close to Tokyo but has high mountains. Recently I’ve been busy so I planned just 1 day trip though there were 3day holiday from 3rd to 5th Nov..

Weather forecast has told that it would be find on 4th but when I reached Nasu-Shiobara station at AM7:31, it was deeply foggy(pic.1). It was after 10km cycling when the blue sky appeared(pic.2). The straight road brought me to the mountain entrance(pic.3) after 15km cycling from the station.

After the road side station(pic.3), suddenly the hill climbing started. But soon arrived at the first sightseeing spot, “Momiji valley suspension bridge"(pic.4). There were some Momiji(maple) trees which had deep red color leaves but very few. So I thought there was no meaning to pay for the suspension bridge. The altitude was still low for autumn leaves.

Soon after the suspension bridge, the road for cyclists diverged from the main R-400(pic.5). There were some small water falls along this old road and gradually forests of autumn leaves appeared as the altitude going up(pic.6).

And just before the old road was merged to R-400 again, I found beautiful valley with a water fall(pic.7-1) and a nice water fall, “Ryu-ka-no-taki" on the mountain side. (*5min walking required to see the Ryu-ka-no-taki)

There were so many good scenes with water and leaves that I spent too much time for dropping in. But real hill climbing was not yet started.

After passing the famous hot spring town, “Shiobara Onsen(hot spring)“(pic.8), finally I reached the entrance of “Momiji-line", hill climbing route(pic.9).

Soon the first famous spot, “Momiji at Oomagari(big crank)"(pic.10) appeared. Yes, it was the most beautiful so far. After that I didn’t have room to take a picture since the angle was 6~7 degree in that section for a few km, but gradually I’ve been surrounded by many colored leaves(pic.12).

There was another hot spring town, “Oku-Shiobara" in the deep mountain area which had some very beautiful red color maple trees(pic.13). Whenever I found very beautiful trees, I couldn’t help stopping and taking a picture(pic.14). Honestly I’ve been very tired so taking pic also served as taking a rest.

15. Best shot in this trip near the hill top

Now almost near the hill top and finally I found the best scene in this trip(pic.15). It’s the privilege of cyclists to take a nice pic immediately when I feel it beautiful instinctively. Many car drivers were coming to same spots as they parked cars far away.

The time was AM11:15 and I’ve exhausted. But I could not find any restaurant around the hill top and only found a facility with a souvenir shop. There I found a stall serving a hot local traditional soup(pic.16). It was hot, sweet and salty which fit my tired body.

Since I knew there were still over 60km remained, I had to start soon after eating soup. The last few km hill felt very tough(pic.17).

But once I passed the hill top, just down hill started. Since the speed was high, I felt I could see beautiful trees much often than ever(pic.18).

19. Best timing for autumn leaves
20. Gradation of green, yellow and red.

In my down hill I could enjoy many beautiful leaves. Of course I love deep red leaves but I love gradation of many colors as well(pic.20). This kind of gradation could be seen in the altitude of 600~800M height.

It was no-breath down hill, so sometimes I had to focus on steering. But gradually the beautiful trees disappeared. Finally I reached the final spot, “Taiko-oroshi-no-taki"(pic.22).

After this spot to Utsunomiya station, there were 40km with slight down hill. It was not so tough since I could cycle around at 30km/h but was boring road.

Utsunomiya city is very famous for “Gyoza"(dumpling). I bought 24pcs dumpling at the station and soon got on the Shinkansen. I cooked them at home and served to my family at the dinner time.

<Transportation info>

From my home to Nasu-Shiobara: taking Shinkansen “Yamabiko No.201" from Oomiya station. AM6:45 → reaching Nasu-Shiobara at AM7:31

From Utsunomiya to Ueno station: PM3:35 → PM4:18 “Yamabiko No.62". \4,280-

<Other spots near my route>

Nikko city, Kinugawa hot spring

<Connection route>

C-12: Nasu plateau

C-15: Kinugawa cycling, Utsunomiya to Matsudo