Fuji 5 lakes with cherry blossoms(D-6)⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ‘22.10th,Apr


This route(D-6) is in Area-D “Tokai". See Area-D map/ See Japan map

Sight & Entertainment ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Food & Drinks ⭐⭐

Easiness ⭐⭐

Road Condition ⭐⭐⭐

Safety ⭐⭐⭐

 The Fuji 5 lakes are the typical dammed lakes made by lava of Mt.Fuji. And the scene of Mt.Fuji and lake with cherry blossoms always mesmerize people from all over the world. The cherry blossom’s season here in Fuji 5 lakes is a little later than that in Tokyo. I checked the best date every week in March and decided to go there on 10th Apr. Especially the Mt.Fuji view with 5-storied pagoda and cherry blossoms scene at Arakurayama Sengen park(pic.4) is too famous, so I wanted to ride to there someday. And now was the time to go. Fortunately the weather was so clear when I started from my home and reached Gotenba station(pic.1) at 8:46AM.

The route runs toward Mt.Fuji in the beginning(pic.2) and gradually the slope becomes steep. It was very tough in the first 15km, but once I crossed the pass toward Yamanaka lake(pic.3), I felt relieved because 5 lakes are all in the plateau.

4.Mt.Fuji view from Arakurayama Sengen Park

The entrance of Arakurayama park was a little inconspicuous but many cars and people were making line toward the entrance. It was already 10:30AM so I ran up the slopes and steps for a few hundred meters toward 5 stories pagoda after parking my bicycle. But already many people were making a queue which made me wait for 30min to reach the picture spot(pic.4). And, what made me disappointed was the smoke of burning off a field hid the Mt.Fuji, though the cherry blossoms were full bloom. I understand it was also good timing for burning but hoped the city consider about tourists… So maybe better to come here in weekday of early April.

There was a 2km short-cut tunnel which had a safe side walk way, so I reached Kawaguchi lake(pic.5) soon after starting Arakurayama park. Here the cherry blossoms were still buds. Maybe 1 week later, the good picture with Mt.Fuji could be taken.

The Kawaguchi lake is big and there are many villas, it will be better to stay here 1 day if you want to stay somewhere near 5 lakes. The road beside the Kawaguchi was very nice for cycling(pic.6). But once turning toward the 3rd lake, Sai-ko(ko means a lake), the uphill again started.

10.South Alps view from lake “Motosu"

The Sai-ko is small and it didn’t take time to pass the lake, but here starts the Aokigahara forest ocean, deep and dark woods(pic.7). Riding through the cool forests, the 4th lake Souji lake appeared. It was already after noon, I just watched tip of lake and continued riding to the final Motosu lake.

There was a small shopping area at the observatory(pic.9) of Motosu lake, I took a rest there but the food menu there didn’t attract me. So again I had to ride without lunch to Shiraito falls. On the way I noticed the South alps mountains over 3000m height were very clearly seen on the right side with Motosu lake(pic.10). That was the most beautiful sight in this trip.

11.Asagiri plateau with Mt.Fuji
12.Shiraito falls

Now downhill time. Once passing the forests, a wide plateau (Asagiri plateau, pic.11) hailed me. This area is famous for camping since there are wide spaces and it’s cool in Summer. About 10km downhill, I reached Shiraito falls(pic.12) where many water string falls on over 100m width walls. Very nice healing spot.

It was already around 2:00PM, I took a brief lunch here. The famous B rank gourmet, Fuji-no-miya fried noodle(pic.13) at ¥400. B rank means a special local cuisine at a low cost. The noodle is popular in Japan but that of Fuji-no-miya became famous through B rank gourmet competition. Since I was born in the same prefecture, Shizuoka, this noodle is not so special, honestly..

15.Mt.Fuji with green tea plantation near Fuji station

Now the final road to Fuji station for 20km. On that day, some clouds were hanging over Mt.Fuji but the contrast of deep green tea plantation in Fuji city and Mt.Fuji was beautiful(pic.15). I reached Fuji station at 3:15PM.

<Transportation info>

From Tokyo: JR Tokaido line Tokyo → Kouzu around 1hr15min, JR Gotenba line Kouzu→Gotenba 50min ¥1,980

<Other recommended spots near my route>

Pls refer to the Fujinomya guide URL

<Connection routes>

D-4: Suruga bay cycling

D-12: Fuji river cycling to Kofu