【Day3】Ise to Nachi “Kumano kodo” sacred shrines(D-5)⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ‘22.18th,Mar


This route(D-5) is in Area-D “Tokai". See Area-D map / See Japan map

Sight & Entertainment ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Foods & Drinks No data (Nachi Katsuura’s tuna may be good)

Easiness ⭐⭐ (due to Nachi hill-climbing)

Road condition ⭐⭐⭐

Safety ⭐⭐⭐

1.Nachi shrine main hall
2. Nachi water fall
3. 5 stories pagoda & Nachi water fall

The final day weather forecast was rainy from the morning. So I started from the guest house at 6:00AM, still dark time. After 10km it started to rain but I wanted to see the sacred Nachi falls since I came to this area all the way, so I prayed it stopped raining as I rode without breath. It stopped raining when I reached Hongu city, so I could decide to start hill-climbing. It was around 7:30AM.

Since I had been already tired, it soon became very tough to go further. When the road started meandering, the steepness never ended for 3km up to Nachi shrine’s parking.

Nachi shrine opens at 7:00AM and fee is free apart from 5 stories pagoda(pic.3). And I could take a picture of shrine main hall(pic.1) for the first time in this trip. Then I climbed the 5 stories pagoda(¥300-) to watch the sacred waterfall which is also one of the objects of faith(pic.2). And the waterfall is counted as one of 100 best waterfall in Japan.

Now the time to hurry up to the station. I wanted to try tuna cuisine here in Nachi Katsuura which is well known as tuna fishing town, but the time was around 10:00AM, 1hr before most of the restaurants opened. And the next train would come soon but nos of trains was very small here and it would take 9 hrs from here to my home, I decided to go home. My dream to eat tuna here was carried over to the next journey from here to the West. Just I got on the train, the heavy rain started.

<Transformation info>

From here(Kii Katsuura) to Nagoya: 1 train in 1hr. Pls check the time table of Kii Katsuura. It takes 6 hrs to Nagoya station. ¥4,590-

<Other recommended spots near my route>

Nachi Katsuura city including tuna cuisine info

<Connection route>

D-5(Day2): Owase city to Kumano hongu

F-5: Shirahama to Nachi Katsuura