S-13 Ara-kawa(liver) riding to North


This route is in “Short trips" See “Short trips" map/ See Japan map

Ara-kawa(liver), widest river in Tokyo flows from Saitama prefecture to east side of Tokyo. Tokyo has 3 rivers which has cycling roads on their river bank, Edo-gawa(river), Ara-kawa(river), Tama-gawa(river) and Edo river and Ara river have good cycling roads. Our cycling team sometimes gather at Kita-senju station, 15km north from estuary of the river. This trip was riding toward north side and its goal was ENOBOKU(Enomoto dairy farm).

Starting at Kita-senju station(pic.1) at 8:00AM, we reached river bank within 800m. As you can see in pic.2, it has wide cycling road up to pic.4 point. Though many cyclists and runner were there, we could ride at high speed all the way. But we should take care of water supply especially in such a hot day since there were no drinking vending machines on the way.

4. Paddy field btw river and bank

Just a few km north and opposite side bank of Asaka water gate(pic.3), there is Akigase park which we’ve rode to as our goal and where you can enjoy barbecue. In this time, we passed the park and rode toward north. The riverbed becomes wider there and we could see paddy field btw the river and its bank(pic.4). I heard the flood covered the field and was about to overflow the bank in 2019.

5. Ageo cycling road near Enoboku

The cycling road was very wide and fine up to 70km point from the estuary but suddenly its east bank’s road becomes narrow and meanders(pic.5). It was like exploring in the bush. And soon we reached ENOBOKU(pic.6). To my surprise, there were many bikes parking. The farm seems very popular for cyclists to have a rest.

Soon we bought milk icecream (\470- for double tastes, pic.7). Of course very yummy since its milk is taken in their cowshed next to the shop(pic.8). Just fleeting heaven.

Other members went down again toward Kita-senju station but I had to go back home earlier, so I went to Ageo station, 5km from the farm and took a train.

<Transportation info>

From Tokyo to Kita-senju station: JR Yamanote line to Ueno(8min), then change to JR Joban line to Kita-senju(10min) TTL \220-. Or 9km riding.

From Ageo to Tokyo: JR Takasaki line 40min, \682-.

<Other way of enjoying this river>

South side from Kita-senju: 15km riding toward estuary. Then Kasai Rinkai park will be a good destination. See my S-1 article.

Short trip

Posted by Ryosuke.Kusaka