Good season for cycling

Area-wise seasonal weather & wind

For those who live in central Japan, there are 5 seasons and those weathers affect cycling plans. Basically west wind is dominant in Japan. So starting from west to east is better in every season.


From Dec to Feb

High pressure is in the continent and strong North-West wind blows in whole Japan. So Japan-sea side has lots of snow and strong dry wind blows in Pacific ocean side. Strongly recommend to plan “West to East" in low altitude southern plain area. Temperature is 0~15C even in possible area in daytime.

●Safe time for cycling w/o head light: 7:00AM-4:00PM(in no-snow area)

Area-A “Hokkaido"All area is covered by snow or ice. Mostly impossible for cycling
Area-B “Tohoku"Mostly covered by snow or ice. Only south-east coast(Fukushima) may be possible for cycling
Area-C “Kanto"Only low altitude area is mainly possible. Even low mountain roads will be icy except for day time. 
Area-D “Tokai"
Area-E “Chubu-Hokuriku"Mostly covered by snow or ice. 
Area-F “Kinki"Only low altitude area in south of Kyoto is mainly possible. 
Area-G “Chugoku"Only low altitude area along Seto Inland sea is mainly possible
Area-H “Shikoku"Only low altitude area is mainly possible
Area-I “Kyushu"Only low altitude area of south Kyushu is mainly possible


From Mar to May

The continent high pressure retreats and seasonal high/low pressures come to Japan in turn. So half of these season are good weather. In the beginning of Spring(usually end of Feb), strong south wind blows but normally west wind is dominant, though not stronger than winter wind. Temperature is 10~20C in Area-C. Minus 5C in Area-A,B and Plus 2~3C in southern Japan.

●Safe time for cycling w/o head light: 6:00AM-5:00PM

Area-A “Hokkaido"Still mountains or road sides are covered by snow or ice. Possible in cities and main wide roads in plain areas especially in March.    Cherry blossoms: Mid Apr to May
Area-B “Tohoku"
Area-C “Kanto"Mostly possible. Be careful for icy road in the high mountains in  morning time of March.  Cherry blossoms: Early Apr to mid Apr
Area-D “Tokai"
Area-E “Chubu-Hokuriku"Same with Area-B. Cherry blossoms: Apr 
Area-F “Kinki"Same with Area-C,D. Cherry blossoms: End of Mar to early Apr
Area-G “Chugoku"Japanese-Sea side: same with Area-B/ Seto Inland sea side: same with Area-C,D. Cherry blossoms: End of Mar to early Apr
Area-H “Shikoku"Same with Area-C,D. Cherry blossoms: Mid Mar to end of Mar
Area-I “Kyushu"

Wet season

From early June to Mid-July

As Summer is approaching, High pressure of Pacific Ocean and of Okhotsk sea compete against each other, then stationary front appears on the Japan archipelago. So most of days are cloudy or drizzling rainy. Basically west wind blows. North of the front, the temperature drops but once it comes to south of the front, it rises. Spring and Summer comes in turn.

●Safe time for cycling w/o head light: 5:30AM-6:30PM (in sunny days)

Area-A “Hokkaido"Maybe best season for cycling. The stationary front doesn’t come.
Area-B “Tohoku"Northern area might be good for cycling. But southern areas are same with Area-C,D
Area-C “Kanto"

Pls pray for fine weather.

* Especially in southern Japan has lots of rain(often floods recently) in this season.

Area-D “Tokai"
Area-E “Chubu-Hokuriku"
Area-F “Kinki"
Area-G “Chugoku"
Area-H “Shikoku"
Area-I “Kyushu"


From end of Jul to mid Sep

Soon after the wet season is over, this pressure pattern appears. Since strong high pressure in Pacific ocean covers most of Japan, Japan becomes a heat island. But along the edge of high pressure or in southern slope of each area’s mountains, heavy clouds tend to be generated especially in afternoon. Besides, Typhoons come to Japan along the edge. South-west wind blows basically.

●Safe time for cycling w/o head light: 6:00AM-6:00PM

Area-A “Hokkaido"Basically nice for cycling. But recently the temperature tends to be  same with Area-C and the stationary front stays here, which brings heavy rain and floods. 
Area-B “Tohoku"
Area-C “Kanto"Basically stably hot. Not good for long ride in plain area. Higher mountain area cycling would be better. Be careful about evening shower and thunder in foot of mountains(southern slope)
Area-D “Tokai"
Area-E “Chubu-Hokuriku"Due to foehn phenomena, sometimes hotter than Area-C,D. Mountain area cycling would be better.
Area-F “Kinki"

Same with Area-C,D

*Typhoon tends to hit directly Kyushu and Shikoku.

Area-G “Chugoku"
Area-H “Shikoku"
Area-I “Kyushu"


From Oct to Nov

Gradually high pressure of Pacific ocean retreats and seasonal high & low pressure come to Japan in turn. A kind of wet season appears but not so long unlike that of June. So weather is basically good in this season but typhoons tend to hit central Japan directly. West wind is dominant and gradually it becomes North-West wind and colder and stronger.

●Safe time for cycling w/o head light: 6:30AM-4:30PM

Area-A “Hokkaido"Still basically good but snowing starts in early Nov in northern part.
Area-B “Tohoku"

Still basically good but snowing starts in early Nov in mountain area. We can enjoy autumn leaves from mid Oct to mid Nov.

Area-C “Kanto"Basically best season for cycling. Autumn leaves from mid Nov to end of Nov(’21 case)
Area-D “Tokai"
Area-E “Chubu-Hokuriku"

Still basically good but snowing starts in mid Nov in mountain area. Autumn leaves from early Nov to end of Nov(’21 case)

Area-F “Kinki"

Same with Area-C,D

*Southern area’s autumn leaves are delayed than Area-C,D

Area-G “Chugoku"
Area-H “Shikoku"
Area-I “Kyushu"

Recommendable seasons

Posted by Ryosuke.Kusaka