Itoigawa to Naoetsu, Kubiki cycling road(E-5)⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘23.2nd,Sep.


This route E-5 is in Area-E, “Chubu-Hokuriku". See Area-E map/ See Japan map

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Sight & Entertainment ⭐⭐⭐

Foods & Drinks ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Easiness ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Road condition ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Safety ⭐⭐⭐⭐

 Resuming cycling at PM3:00 after reaching Itoigawa station. The Japanese sea coast was very close so I was heading to the coast but I found blue colored guides for cyclists on the town’s road. There was about 35km long cycling road, “Kubiki cycling road" from Itoigawa to Naoetsu, and the initial section goes through the town(pic.1).

But soon the blue guide carried me to the coast(pic.2). Then just 2~3km from that point, I reached the entrance of Kubiki cycling road which was only for pedestrians and cyclists and lasted to Naoetsu city(pic.3).

Basically the road goes along the coast(pic.4). It was well paved and safe. Sometimes the road went higher place than the normal car’s route, so I could enjoy the sight of sea with cycling.

5. There were some tunnels on the cycling road

But what annoyed me was the heat in a summer afternoon and east wind, which was head wind in this time unexpectedly. It was caused by a typhoon at the South West of Japan. So some tunnels which was cool inside and also broke the wind were comfortable(pic.5).

I thought this 35km cycling road was very suitable for group cycling trips since the road was very safe and up-down was not so severe. And once you want to eat something, you can reach some restaurants or road side station(I found one or two) within 100m toward the coast. But maybe not suitable for authentic cyclists who want to cycle as fast as they can. The road was not so wide and it often meanders.

6. Japanese sea at PM5:00, before sunset

Due to the strong head wind, I was tired after 20km, which was after 70km totally on that day. So I could not reach Naoetsu by PM5:00. I thought it was the last chance to take pic of sunset with the sea, I took it at pic.6 point, which was a right decision.

Soon after ending of Kubiki cycling road, I entered into Naoetsu city.

After checking in the hotel and taking a shower, I went to a Japanese restaurant which I marked beforehand. But unexpectedly that was fully booked and others as well. Naoetsu city seems lively. But finally I found a very calm, high class one, “Taizou“. I got a last seat at the counter.

The raw fishes which were landed at Naoetsu fishing port were of course delicious, but I was very satisfied with boiled Nodoguro(Black throat seaperch, pic.8) which was only \1,500-. This fish is landed in middle or west Japanese sea, so I could enjoy it at cheaper price. If I order it in Tokyo, it will be more than doubled. The boiled Nodoguro was common dish in my childhood and I loved the sweet fat taste, but in these few decades, suddenly it became high class. So I ordered the boiled style after a long time. Of course, this prefecture, Niigata is the No.1 production area of rice, so it has many delicious Japanese Sake. I ordered ones which I could not see in Tokyo area(pic.9).

<Transportation info>

From Tokyo to Itoigawa: Hokuriku-Shinkansen, “Hakutaka" , around 2hrs. \10,670-

<Connected route>

E-3: Toyama, Tateyama mountain range

E-6: Naoetsu to Nagaoka

E-8: Fossa magna cycling