【Day2】Kesennuma to Hiraizumi(B-5)⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘22.4th,Nov


This route B-5 is in Area-B, “Tohoku". See Area-B map/See Japan map

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Sight & Entertainment ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Foods & Drinks ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Easiness ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Road Condition ⭐⭐⭐

Safety ⭐⭐⭐⭐

4.A small shrine’s gate at Kessennuma fishing port

It was rainy in the midnight and the temperature dropped below 5C. Since I didn’t book breakfast at hotel, I had to search a restaurant in the early morning. I started from hotel at AM8:00 and hung around the port(pic.2,4) and finally found a small restaurant which opened at AM6:00 for fishermen. I ordered the most simple menu at \550-(pic.3).

This day’s route was just 60km to main destination, Hiraizumi city, Iwate prefecture. So it became like a pottering, completely different from Day1(pls refer to B-4 article). Soon up-hill started but not so steep. And a serene local sight healed me(pic.5). Since I had much time, I took a coffee break twice before coming to Kitakami river(pic.6). The road along the river was very nice. It was almost flat and few cars were driving. It continued around 10km and finally reached Kitakami basin(pic.7) at noon.

8. Final approach to main Hall of Chusonji(temple)
10.MineYakushido with maple trees

Fujiwara clan who had big power about 1000years ago reigned this Hiraizumi area, which is one reason of many famous temples exist.

There were many people at my first destination, Chusonji-temple since it was maybe the best timing for autumn leaves. Along the approach to main hall, there were many maple trees turning red. This area is much colder than sea side or Kanto area, so the color was much beautiful(pic.8).

 This temple is very famous as the golden hall. Though taking picture inside the building which houses the golden hall(pic.9) was prohibited, it was worth a visit. Apart from the hall, there are many small historical temples quaint with autumn leaves(pic.11). Finally I was satisfied with autumn leaves’ view here.

12.Motsuji temple’s garden
13.Marvelous red color of maple tree at Motsuji

 My next plan was Takkoku-no-iwa Bishamon-do but soon after leaving Chuson-ji temple, I found Motsuji temple which also was famous for autumn leaves in a big garden. So I dropped in the temple. It has over 1000years history and its garden had an ancient charm. Of course the autumn leaves were so nice(pic.12, 13), though I couldn’t take picture of bicycle and maple trees.

Btw Motsuji and Takkoku-no-iwa Bishamon-do, I found a big maple tree with beautiful red color leaves(pic.14) in an unknown temple. It was the best autumn tree I’ve ever seen before. The Takkoku-no-iwa temple was rare one among those I’ve ever visited, though it’s an unexpectedly small temple.

16. Genbikei

Genbikei(valley, pic.16) was 5km ahead of Takkoku-no-iwa temple. It was also a nice spot to take a break. It’s about 10km from Chuson-ji temple to this valley, so some visitors rent bicycles and were enjoying cycling.

Now going down to Ichinoseki city, my hotel. It was just 10km down hill from the valley. Near the station, my hotel, there was a samurai’s residence which was frugal for his class(pic.17). Unfortunately it was closed at PM3:00 and I couldn’t see inside but could take a picture over the wall.

After taking a shower at my hotel near the station, I went out to have a dinner and found a local tavern , Gotsuo-ya who served Iwate prefecture’s local production near the hotel. I ordered grilled chickens, pork, shiitake mushrooms and some more with Japanese sake. All foods were delicious maybe because Iwate prefecture is very big and most lands are used for farming.

As a whole, the route from Kesennuma to Hiraizumi was comfortable and there were many nice spots in Hiraizumi, foods were very nice. So I rank this route B-5 as 5 stars.

<Connceted route>

B-4: Matsushima to Kesennuma in Miyagi prefecture