Miura peninsula to Kamakura(C-2)⭐⭐⭐⭐’21.20th,Feb


This route is in Area-C “Kanto". See Area-C map/ See Japan map

From Miura-Kaigan station to Kamakura via Misaki-kou(fishing port): 35km cycling

Sight & Entertainment ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Foods & Drinks ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Easiness ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Road condition ⭐⭐

Safety ⭐⭐

 In this 35km, there were Misaki fishing port where fresh tuna cuisines are available, view of sea & Mt.Fuji, Hayama villa area, and Kamakura city. Many spots are condensed. Though the roads were not designed for cycling, it’s worth doing cycling this section.

I took 1st train to avoid rush hour since from my home town, Chiba to Miura peninsula, I had to pass Tokyo area where many people get on the train after 7:00AM. Such big luggage(pic.1) disturbs other passengers. I reached Miura-Kaigan(coast) station at 8:30AM, then soon I could come to Kawazu cherry blossoms tree-lined street(pic.2). The normal light pink cherry blossoms(Somei-Yoshino) bloom in late March but this Kawazu cherry bloom in late Feb and the day was just full-blooming period. I love this dark pink color, too.

5.Kaisen-don(bowl of rice & sashimi)

This peninsula consists of intricated hills, so unexpectedly I was annoyed by up-hill to the port. I wanted to cross the bridge to Jogashima(island) but very strong wind which happens in early spring scared me away the bridge because I thought I would have been blown away into the sea. Instead I searched a fisherman’s restaurant which opened at 9:00AM, and found Tuna restaurant,Shichibei-maru(pic.3) where I enjoyed Kaisen-don, bowl of rice topped with very fresh sashimi(pic.5), @\1,700-. As expected, all fished were fresh and delicious than the same menu in Tokyo area.

8.Mt.Fuji view from Tateishi park

It was windy but very clear day, so I could see Mt.Fuji on my way to Kamakura. The road mostly run on the hill, I often see small vegetable markets on the road side. Indeed Mikura peninsula is one of the best vegetable production area in Japan. Especially Miura radish, very big one is very famous, the spring/autumn cabbage(pic.6) as well. In 15km from Misaki fishing port, I reached Tateishi park(pic.7) where most of cyclists took a rest. From this park, Mt. Fuji is visible like pic.7 or pic.8 on a sunny day.

Within 5km from the park, there is a famous luxury villa area, Hayama. My purpose is different but if you want to feel the atmosphere, pls search nice cafes or restaurants here through website. Up to Zushi city’s beach, the road was fine for cycling but after the beach, Route-134 became dangerous. It became busy, width for cycling was narrow and no pedestrian way in the tunnel. Maybe it’s better to deviate the tunnel toward inland with easy riding in this section.

13.Hasedera(temple) garden & gate

I reached Kamakura city around noon. First I visited Kamakura great Buddha for the first time(pic.9). Kamakura was a political capital of Japan in the early samurai era in 12th century. It partially imitated Kyoto city, so there are many graceful spots in this city. Among them, I visited Hase-dera(temple) . I was mesmerized by graceful garden with flowers.

Finally I came to the main street which lead people to Tsuruoka Hachiman-gu(pic.14),then back to station through Komachi street(pic.15) where many shops, restaurants and cafes stand side by side. Pls note there is no parking area for bike near Tsuruoka Hachiman-gu. I parked mine at super market near the station and walk to Hachiman-gu for 1km.

<Transportation info>

From Tokyo to Miura-Kaigan: JR Tokaido line to Yokohama(30min), then Keikyu line to Miura-kaigan(50min) \1,049-

From Kamakura to Tokyo: JR Yokosuka line (sometimes change to JR Tokaido line at Totsuka station) 1hr, \935-

<Connection route>

Shonan beach to Odawara : C-3

Tokyo bay ride: C-9