Outer Bo-so coast(Soto-bo) to Katsuura(C-5)⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘21.30th,Apr


This route is in Area-C “Kanto". See Area-C map/See Japan map

From Oami station to Wadaura via Katsuura. About 95km.

Sight & Entertainment ⭐⭐⭐

Foods & Drinks ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Easiness ⭐⭐⭐

Road Condition ⭐⭐⭐

Safety ⭐⭐ *should take care from point 4 to Katsuura

It’s the season of first bonito which doesn’t have much fat compared to returning bonito in Autumn. Katsuura city is very famous for bonito landing, so I planned to visit there in this timing for some time. Honestly I planned to stay at Katsuura for one night to enjoy bonito and Japanese sake but unfortunately it rained on the first day, so I gave up staying and changed to one day cycling.

Reaching Oami station at 7:00AM, I headed to Kuju-kuri beach(pic.1) on the straight 10km road. The bow shaped long beach is popular for sea bathing or surfing though it’s usually rough. After 10km cycling along the coast, the road is gradually elevated but the Route-30 had so wide cycling space(pic.2) that I felt easy until joining Route-128 and I saw cliffs on the sea side(pic.3).

4.Sea view from R-128(Near Katsuura city)

This south Bo-so area was raised and appeared from seabed in 3 million years ago, which means it’s still young and that’s why there are many cliffs around here. So the road became narrower and many tunnels appeared, many of which don’t have sidewalk in their tunnels. Besides this route is the only road to cities along the coast, so many trucks were running. I felt unsafety in this section.

Anyhow, I could reach Katsuura port(pic.5) at 10:00AM, 30min before my targeting restaurant opened. It was Friday, so the port was running(pic.6). When I reached the restaurant “Kakkurau“, in front of the fishing port(pic.7), there were 2 other customers already waiting, but after 5min, there became a long queue after me.

8.First bonito of the season

Now the time to enjoy first bonito(pic.8 set price \1,500-). At a glance, I could imagine it was very fresh. I usually prefer fat taste but I felt very delicious about its fatless rich bonito flavor. Other than bonito, many kinds of fishes are landed here in Katsuura, so pls refer to my C-11 article.

I was very satisfied with the fresh bonito and restarted toward final destination, Wadaura station. There were still 40km but soon the Route-128 were divided to bypass and local road, and there were no high cliffs along the road. So I felt relatively safe in this section.

I reached Wadaura station around 1:00PM. Since only few trains come, I had time of pastime at roadside station. The peanut is a specialty product in Chiba prefecture but not here in south Bo-so area, but I could not find any other special local food than whale processed food, and peanut gelato is unusual product, so I bought one(pic.10).

It took much time(2hrs) from Wadaura to Chiba station by local train.

<Transportation info>

From Tokyo to Oami: JR Keiyo line to Soga, then JR Soto-bo line to Oami, 1hr10min \1,166-

From Wadaura to Tokyo: JR Uchi-bo line to Soga, then JR Keiyo line to Tokyo, 3hrs10min \2,640-

<Other recommendable spots near my route>

Youro- valley: Pls refer to my C-14 article

<Connection route>

C-4: from Tateyama to Wadaura,

C-11: from Tateyama to Katsuura,

C-7: From Oami to Choshi

C-14: South Bo-so, Yourou valley