S-1: Rainbow bridge & Kasai Rinkai Park


This S-1 is in Area-S “Short trips". See Area-S map/ See Japan map

From Tokyo station to Kasai Rinkai Park, just behind Tokyo Disney Land, its distance is 11km. This park consists of large lawn grass area with bay view and a small forest for bird watching. If you have time, Aquarium and Ferris wheel will be nice experience.

From there to Rainbow bridge, there is 9km straight way. You can enjoy Tokyo bay view on the bridge but pls be noted that your bike should be attached on the trolley for safety reason and carried by your walk for 2km to cross the bridge. After crossing, it’s 5km to Tokyo station.

Total 25km ride trip and you can enjoy many spots like Toyosu Fresh fish market on the way, but most roads for this trip will be heavy all day. Taking sidewalk will be better as much as possible.

Short trip

Posted by Ryosuke.Kusaka