S-5:Sakura tulip square


This trip is in “Short trips". See Short trips map/ See Japan map

Since it’s 28km from my home, I sometimes visit this Sakura Furusato square in flower season. In May, it’s for tulip, and in Summer, here is covered by sunflower, Cosmos in Autumn. I love a similar park, Akebonoyama agricultural park(S-7 article), too. The good point of Sakura Furusato square is that it has a long cycling road(pic.3).

From my home, I should take a narrow busy road to come here. But coming near Andersen park, the road becomes not so busy and I often drop in a nice cafe, Max&son’s coffee roaster in a small quite forest in my returning trip.

If coming from Tokyo, I recommend to use Hanami-gawa(river) which becomes Shin-kawa in north area, from Kemigawa city. From Tokyo to Kemigawa, you have to use also busy road, Route-14 but it’s straight road and enough wide.

Shin-kawa(Hanami-gawa) was irrigated river which planned in Edo are, 400yeas back but penetrated finally in 20th century for Tone river’s flood control. I heard it was a very tough project to penetrate. You may feel the difficulty when you ride up & down along the Shin-Kawa.

<Other recommended spots near my route>

Daihonzan Naritasan (famous Buddhist temple), 15km East of this square.