South end of Bo-so peninsula(C-4)⭐⭐⭐’21.24th,Apr


This route is in Area-C “Kanto". See Area-C map/See Japan map

South end of Bo-so peninsula round trip from Tateyama, 60km cycling

Sight & Entertainment ⭐⭐⭐

Foods & Drinks ⭐⭐⭐

Easiness ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Road Condition ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Safety ⭐⭐⭐

My first experience of BBBase, cycle train from Ryogoku station (Tokyo) to Tateyama with my cycling team members. Since the train doesn’t stop near my area, I rode to Ryogoku station, 15km away from my home in early morning. Some of my colleague rented bikes at Ryogoku station.

We had booked our seats previously and pulled out a ticked from ticket vendor machine, then entered platform from a special gate, then BBBase train was waiting for us. The train doesn’t stop up to southern Bo-so peninsula but it was not express and took 2hrs20min to Tateyama. Other members seated up to Wadaura station but I was asked by an athlete colleague to ride to Wadaura from Tateyama(pic.2). So We got off at Tateyama and started cycling. The road was not so steep but there were some up & down to pass the mountain. Since the speed of train was slow, we could arrive at Wadaura station at the same time(10:15AM).

Then all of us started cycling together along the coast. Soon a cycling road appeared(pic.3). The road didn’t last long but very comfortable cycling in the spring moderate sea wind. Even riding on a normal road, since the coast side normal road was separated from a main road running inland, it was an easy riding.

 Without toughness, we reached Chikura roadside station(web site only Japanese)(pic.4) to take a lunch. There is a fishing port next to the station, so there is a marche which sells many fresh fishes as well as a seafood restaurant(pic.5). I don’t think the menu was not so special but I thought many kind of law fishes were inside the one bowl. Of course they were fresh.

8.View from Suzaki lighthouse

Within 8km from the roadside station, there is a south end of the peninsula, Nojimazaki(pic.6). We didn’t walk inside the lighthouse park in this time. The picture was taken in another cycling(pls refer to my C-11 article). Instead, we aimed for Suzaki lighthouse, East end of Bo-so peninsula.

The last 8km to Suzaki lighthouse was uphill which we had not imagined. So we all felt tired when we reached the lighthouse. But we could enjoy over 180 degree panorama there(pic.7,8).

Now the final 10km was left. Gradually it became urban road but the width for cycling was enough as a whole. So basically this 60km cycling was easy and nice to do with colleagues.

We used the BBBase for returning trip to Tokyo, too. One round ticket costed \6,000-. But for those who don’t want to disassemble own bikes, nor to get on a normal train, it’s very convenient. The negative point is that there is few trains in limited seasons. And it arrived at Ryogoku station at 7:40PM. So I had to ride to home in a night time.

<Transportation info>

Another method to reach Tateyama from Tokyo: JR Sobu rapid line to Kisarazu, then JR Uchi-bo line to Tateyama, 2hrs40min \2,310-

<Connection route>

C-11: Tateyama to Katsuura

C-5: Oami to Wadaura

C-6: Tateyama to Chiba station