Suruga Bay cycling(D-4)⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘21.30th,Dec


This route(D-4) is in Area-D “Tokai". See Area-D map / See Japan map

Sight & Entertainment ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Foods & Drinks ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Easiness ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Road Condition ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Safety ⭐⭐

The last riding in 2021. Since I always go to parents home in Shizuoka prefecture, I carried my bicycle to do this short trip from Shimizu station to Numazu station. The main artery of Japan runs btw these 2 cities from which you can see a big Mt.Fuji with Suruga bay when you drive a car. And Suruga bay is famous as a rich fishing ground since it has over 2000m depth trench within a several tens of kilometers from the coast line. Especially Sakura shrimp, a kind of krill can be caught only this bay in Japan. Though its season is just in April to May, very short period, my main purpose of this trip was to drop in a restaurant which serve mixed tempura with Sakura shrimp(pic.4).

Starting at Shimizu station, I had to take Route-1, the artery road of Japan since there is no other options. Though there was enough width for bicycle(pic.1), many big trucks passed by, so sometimes I felt scared. To reach such kind of restaurant, cross the JR Tokai rail and climb a hill a little, then on the road side of Old-Tokai-do, Edo era artery road from Tokyo(Edo) to Kyoto, I found the restaurant, Kurasawaya(Pic.2-4). I didn’t book in advance, and saw the board writing “Fully booked today", I was disappointed but I tried asking with courage. Then the owner invited me since I was alone and one seat was free at that time. I was lucky.

4.Mixed tempura with Sakura shrimp

From the restaurant, deep blue sea and Izu peninsula as well as Mt.Fuji can be seen(pic.3). And of course the tempura(pic.4) was very yummy, very crispy but a little juicy with shrimps’ flavor. Quite different from ordinary mixed tempura!

5.Yui town &Mt.Fuji view

Next spot I was looking forward to was Mt.Fuji view from Fuji river(pic.5). Since the weather was so nice, I expected the clouds to be cleared but unfortunately there were some clouds hanging over the top. The north wind was so strong that snowing clouds reached Mt.Fuji from Japanese sea.

Basically I took a road nearest to the coast but there seemed a paved promenade on the coast, I changed my route(pic.6-7). There was a wide pine grove on the coast and the sight must be very nice but the north wind was too strong to enjoy the sight. Sometimes I lost control and almost hit the wall.

8. Pine grove at Numazu coast

<Transportation info>

From Tokyo to Shimizu: Using Shinkansen(Hikari) 1hr40min via Shizuoka station. \5940-

From Numazu to Tokyo: JR Tokai line to Mishima, then change to Shinkansen(Kodama) 1hr10min \4070-

<Other recommended spots near my route>

*Both Shimizu and Numazu are famous for fishing port. Enjoying sea foods near ports are recommendable.

<Connection routes>

D-1: Miho Matsubara, Mt.Fuji view

D-2: Hakone pass climbing

D-6: Fuji 5 lakes with cherry blossoms

D-12: Fuji river cycling to Kofu