Tokai beach & cape(D-7) ⭐⭐⭐ ‘22.3rd, May


This route(D-7) is in Area-D “Tokai". See Area-D map / See Japan map

Sight & Entertainment ⭐⭐⭐

Food & Drinks ⭐

Easiness ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Road condition ⭐⭐⭐

Safety ⭐⭐⭐

There are long holidays from the end of Apr to early May in Japan, which is dubbed as “Golden Week". Every year I go to my parents’ home in Yaizu City, Shizuoka pref.. This time I planned to ride from Hamamatsu city to my parents’ home, 100km. I took around 9:00AM train at Yaizu station and reached Hamamatsu before 10:00AM. Fortunately, the weather was very clear and I could see a famous kite-flying contest(pic.1) at Nakatashima sandhill(pic.2) which was held for the first time in 3 years due to COVID19. Those big kites fight each other to pray their children’s growth. I had to walk for 1km in the sandhill after parking my bicycle in the park, which was not expected. So I had to hurry up riding further a little.

3.Reaching Omaezaki cape

I rode along the Sea of Enshu over 40km. The west wind was so strong that it was easy riding. But I could not find any lunch spot alongside the roads, which was somewhat because it was a holiday. And the road was not beside the coast, so the sight was a little boring. Only when I reached the cape, I could enjoy the wide view of the sea(pic.3-5). Only here I met some other riders.

6.Suruga bay view

Restarting around 2:30PM at cape, my direction changed to North-East and felt a headwind now. Sometimes I could enjoy the Suruga bay view(pic.6). After crossing the Ooi-river, I turned to the right to close the shore, where the roads were running under pine trees(pic.7). Finally I reached Yaizu fishing port. Yaizu fishing port is famous for Tuna and bonito of which landing amounts are No.1 in Japan. There are some nice restaurants for those fishes near the port, pls drop in when you come. BTW, you can see Mt.Fuji clearly from this port if the moisture level is low like those pictures below. Those were taken in the New Year holiday. The winter temperature here is relatively warm and the weather is mostly clear in this area, so I recommend you to ride here in the winter season.

<Transportation Info>

*From Tokyo to Hamamatsu: Shinkansen(by Hikari 1.5hrs, by Kodama 2.0hrs) ¥4,510-

*From Tokyo to Yaizu: Shinkansen to Shizuoka (by Hikari 1.0hrs, by Kodama 1.5hrs), then change to JR Tokaido line( 3rd station) ¥3,410-

<Connection routes>

D-1: Miho Matsubara Mt.Fuji view

D-13: Hamanako-lake cycling