Tokyo bay ride(C-9)⭐⭐’21.17th,Jul


This route is in Area-C “Kanto". See Area-C map/ See Japan map

More info in Strava

Sight & Entertainment ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Foods & Drinks ⭐⭐ *Up to planning. It’s too common for me.

Easiness ⭐⭐ *Too many signals, cars.. Tough in Summer.

Road condition ⭐⭐ *Not designed for cycling

Safety ⭐

4.Tokyo bay view from Kannonzaki light house

I had been excited about visiting many spots on the route from Miura peninsula to Tokyo station and it realized in a hot summer day, just after wet season had been over. My starting point was Miura-kaigan station where I started to Kamakura the other day. Soon I came to the beach road(pic.1) at 9:00AM where there were already many cars going for sea bathing.

Since I soon took a fishing village road up to Kannonzaki(pic2~4), it was relatively easy cycling. To make a final approach to the battery and lighthouse, I should climb a steep slope which brought unexpected rest time at the battery. But I’ve never seen the Tokyo bay from such angle before(pic.4), which was nice experience. I could understand that this place had been a strategic point to protect Tokyo from the past.

5.Battleship Mikasa at Mikasa park
6.Sankeien Japanese style park

Next spot was Mikasa park where the battleship Mikasa, renowned in Japanese-Russo war was exhibited as it was(pic.5). I wanted to reach Yokohama around noon, so I hurried ahead. Soon after Mikasa park, the road became busy and space for cycling became narrower. Besides, many signals blocked my way so many times. So I could only reach Sankei-en, Japanese old style park built by a rich business man in 1902 around noon(pic.6~9). I was very curious about watching old style house, so I entered and walked toward the thatched house(pic.7) which was located 500m away from the gate. It was big old house where every kind of rooms designed so I could enjoy the atmosphere in old era of Japan.

10.Yokohama bay bridge view

I restarted from Sankeien at 12:30PM,from which Yokohama city was about 8km. I found there was an observatory where the Yokohama port and bay bridge can be seen before the city so I tried to get there. Though the park was very nice(pic.10), I should climb a steep hill to get there. Anyhow I reached China town to search a lunch spot at 12:50pm(pic.11). I knew there were many nice Chinese restaurants but I just wanted to eat typical simple Chinese meal, so bought a meat bun and cold tapioca milk tea and took them at Yamashita park(pic.12) where many families were taking lunch and rest. I was under a tree to heal my body for 30min then restarted toward Tokyo station.

13. Yokohama city view from Yamashita park

Under the relentless heat, I rode for 30km. To make it worse, many signals again blocked my way. Stopping and restarting annoyed me. I hardly remember which road I took. Again I realized the big cities like Tokyo and Yokohama are not suitable for cycling though there are many good spots to visit. These are the places to go by train.

<Transportation info>

From Tokyo to Miura-kaigan: JR Tokaido line to Yokohama, then Keikyu line bound for Misakiguchi 1.5hrs, \1,049-

<Other recommended spots near my route>

Yokohama city

Misaki area to enjoy tuna

<Connection route>

C-2: Miura peninsula to Kamakura