Okayama to Himeji cycling(G-6)⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘23.21st,Jan


This route G-6 is in Area-G. See Area-G map/ See Japan map

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Foods & Drinks ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Easiness ⭐⭐⭐

Road condition ⭐⭐⭐

Safety ⭐⭐⭐

This time again, I utilized my Bz trip to Kyoto area for my cycling. I put my Bz luggage into a locker at Kyoto station around AM6:00 and got on a JR train to Shin-Osaka, around 30min from Kyoto station. By using Shinkansen, I could reach Kurashiki station which was finishing point of G-1 cycling trip at AM8:10.

My first destination was Kibitsu shrine, 10km from Kurashiki station and located at North-West local area of Okayama city. It has a very old history and is one of the national treasure with unique architectural style, “Kibitsu style". This place was a transportation hub for pilgrims as well as trading in ancient Japan. I thought a long corridor and the shape of roofs of main hall were very unique.

2. Okayama Korakuen (Traditional Japanese garden)

The time was AM9:00 and it was sunny but it was very cold.. My next spot was Okayama Korakuen, which is one of a 3 major traditional Japanese gardens. I bought a ticket at \640- by which I could enter Okayama castle as well. The garden had a big pond which reflected structures of gardens. I prefer such beauty to a scene with just trees and shrubs which was seen in another 3 major Japanese garden, Kairakuen in Ibaraki prefecture(ref. my C-10 cycling).

Coming to the south gate of the garden, I could see Okayama castle and its moat nearer. It seemed 3min walk to the castle from the gate but I went back to the front gate to pick up my bicycle and came to the castle(pic.3).

2. Okayama castle view from Korakuen side

 It is a unequal sides pentagon, which is very unique in Japan and was built in a harsh civil war era. This area was just the frontier of Osaka area(Lord Toyotomi) and West Chugoku area(Lord Mouri) and the castle was built to block the Mouri force. Inside the castle, there were many displays to explain the historical events and ancient culture. Unintentionally I used much time there. The time was already AM11:00.

3. Korakuen view from Okayama castle

Due to the cold weather, my mobile phone buttery had almost run up. So I had to take a simple route toward Himeji city. These were R-250 and sometimes R-2 which were not designed for cycling as far as Ako city, so cycling can be enjoyed only in weekends there(pic.4).

It was after 60km when I could see the inland sea for the first time in this cycling(pic.5). Since the coast line is intricate, I could see many oyster harvesting in the sea.

The time was PM2:40 when I crossed the Chikusa river(pic.6) and came to a small mountain. Gradually thick clouds appeared and the temperature went down further. I wanted to reach my hotel ASAP but realized there were still over 30km.

 This area’s R-250 is called “Harima seaside road" and seems famous for many cyclists thanks to its quiet scene and relatively well paved road, though I saw very few cycling like me.

8. Seto Inland sea view

After the point Pic.8, the road came into Himeji city and the sight became boring. Though the remained distance was 20km, I felt very long toward Himeji castle. The time was already passed PM4:00, so I gave up entering the castle but expected to take pictures of its appearance before sunset.

I reached the castle just 5min before PM5:00. It was getting dark but fortunately there were very few people in the castle park, so I could take many pictures with different angles in the dusk.

9.Himeji castle

I booked a Bz hotel near Himeji station, 5min cycling from the castle at around \6000- for one night. After taking a shower, I hung out to find a good local tavern and found a tavern “Torikatsu".

10. Oyster & octopus, local specialty in Seto inland sea

Himeji city is located on the coast of Seto inland sea. So its seafoods like oysters and octopus are very nice. And “Oden", Japanese winter cuisine consisting of many ingredients like fish cakes, boiled eggs, radish, etc. is also a noted cuisine here in Himeji, so I ordered one plate(pic.11). Unlike other famous Odens, it was very sweet taste. I don’t love so much but it was interesting for me.

And, never forget enjoying Sake. Since this area thrived from the past, its local sakes are very nice. And most famous rice for Sake, “Yamada-nishiki" is originated this area. This time I met a very impressive sophisticated local Japanese Sake, “Kome-no-sasayaki"(pic.13). It was sweet but very sharp taste. I thought it was No.1 for me in my cycling trips.

13. Local Japanese sake in this area “Kome-no-sasayaki"

I came out of the tavern at PM9:00 and walked toward the castle to sober up. Its look was fantastic(pic.15).

<Transportation info>

My train from Shin-Osaka to Kurashiki: AM6:50 Shinkansen Sakura543 from Shin-Osaka→AM7:40 arrival at Okayama. Then AM7:49 JR Hakubi line from Okayama → AM8:07 arrival at Kurashiki

<Connected routes>

G-1: Onomichi to Kurashiki

F-3: Himeji to Osaka via Kobe