Kawazu cherry blossoms(D-17)⭐⭐⭐ ‘25.9th,Mar

This route D-16 is in Area-D, Tokai. See Area-D map/ See Japan map

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Sight & entertainment ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Food & drinks  No data

Easiness ⭐⭐⭐

Road condition ⭐⭐

Safety ⭐⭐ *R-135 is narrow and busy.

There was a long interval after my last trip in December ’24. One reason is because it became winter and another one was that I’d achieved my first goal to complete one round of Japan main island. To reward myself, I bought my new partner, expensive road-bike with disk break, auto-gear changer.

To resume my local japan trips from spring, I trained with new bicycle near my home town and this trip was the 1st trip by train with the new bicycle. It was the final timing of Kawazu cherry blossoms season since it’s usually in mid February but it delayed due to cold winter weather.

Kawazu city is located in southern area of Izu peninsula and the name “Kawazu cherry" is originated here. Soon after coming out of the Kawazu station, a cherry tree hailed me(pic.1).

3. Beautiful cherry trees along Kawazu river

About 100m East from the station, there is Kawazu river and the sight of cherry trees along this river is very famous(pic.2, 3). Fortunately I could see beautiful full blossoms.

4. Today’s best shot

The blossom trees end after a few hundreds meters when I started climbing toward famous Kawazu water falls. Then a hill climbing started. Thanks to the new bike’s performance, I felt a little easy climbing.

Kawazu water falls consist of 7 falls. You can carry (not permitted to ride) your bike up to the one (left side of pic.5) with statue of a lady and a boy. The biggest fall (right side) is located downstream of the river. Near this biggest one, there was a hotel with open hot spring. I’m curious about staying there..

Now coming to the coast to go toward North. Fortunately the Oshima island (ref. my Oshima cycling D-8) could be seen from the coast(pic.6). In a heavy head wind, I started up & downs along the coast.

7. Many up&downs along coasts

Before reaching my goal, Izu Kogen station, there were several small hills which made me tired despite of short distance. In every down hill, I could see beautiful ocean view(pic.7). But as a whole, the road was narrow and there were many sight seeing cars, so I felt dangerous.

I felt fatigue maybe because it was my cycling trip with up & down after a long time. Next trip will be Kyushu island long distance trip. I have to train myself before that!

<Transportation info>

From Tokyo to Kawazu: Tokyo AM6:30 Shinkansen(Kodama No,701) to Atami AM7:13→ JR Ito line: Atami AM7:23 to Ito AM7:49 → Izu Kyu-ko: Ito AM7:51(from next track) to Kawazu AM8:37, TTL \5,505-

<Connection routes>

D-15: Mishima to Shimoda cycling

D-11: Odawara to Jogasaki coast