Ise to Nagoya(D-10)⭐ ‘22.8th,Sep


This route(D-10) is in Area-D “Tokai". See Area-D map/ See Japan map

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Sight & Entertainment ⭐

Foods & Drinks ⭐⭐⭐

Easiness ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Road Condition ⭐⭐

Safety ⭐

 This was the third time’s a charm to do cycling this route due to weather condition. Though I imagined there seemed nothing special in this route but necessary for me to complete connect all of my routes in Japan.

I’ve already visited Ise shrine in last trip(my D-5 trip), so I started toward north after arriving at Ise-shi station at 8:20AM. The R-23 itself was wide but not designed for cycling(pic.1), and many big trucks passed by. So I often felt danger but I didn’t find another route to have high speed. The sight from that road was boring all the way.

The only expectation was to eat Matsuzaka beef which is one of the most famous Japanese beefs like Kobe beef, Yonezawa beef. There are many expensive beef restaurants in this area but “Issho-bin“, a chain restaurant dedicated for serving Matsuzaka beef at affordable price became my destination at lunch time. I reached “Issho-bin" in Suzuka city at 11:20AM, just 10min before its opening. There was a register book in front of the restaurant and I could fortunately write my name in 3rd place.

I ordered assortment of 3 kinds of beef and special loin with rice and soup. TTL price was just \6000- which was very low price for Matsuzaka beef(pic.2,3). The taste was enough nice for that price but I recommend to visit much expensive authentic restaurant if you want real delicious Matsuzaka beef taste.

From there, I took Route-1 toward Nagoya. It was almost flat road and I could speed up around 30km/h but mostly dangerous. Finally crossing 3 big rivers(pic.4,5) and reached Nagoya city. If I had enough time, I wanted to visit Nagoya castle, but the time was already 3:00PM when I reached Nagoya station, so I packed my bike and got on Shinkansen to my home.

<Connection route>

D-5(Day1): Ise to Nachi “Kumano kodo" sacred shrines

D-9: Nagoya to Toyohashi