Kasumigaura one round(C-1)⭐⭐⭐⭐


This route is in Area-C “Kanto". See Area-C map/ See Japan map

① ’21. 9th~10th, Jan

Sight & Entertainment ⭐⭐⭐

Foods & Drinks ⭐⭐⭐

Easiness ⭐⭐ *Up to wind(season)

Road condition ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ *Only on the cycling road

Safety ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ *Only on the cycling road

 It was my first trip to carry my bike on the train from home to Kasumigaura on a typical sunny cold winter day. I reached Takahama station(JR Joban line) around 9:00AM and soon checked in the guest house, Izumi-so(pic.1,2). Kasumigaura one round seemed around 120km~130km then I thought I could come back the guest house around 5:00PM at latest when I started to cycling at 10:30AM.

5.Catfish burger at Tamatsukuri roadside station

Since I was a beginner at that time, I misunderstood my ability. The north-west wind strongly blows especially in such open plain on a typical sunny winter day, which can be seen in pic.3&4, so my speed seemed very fast as I headed south-east. I didn’t notice that the wind would torment me in later half. Anyway I could easily reach the only road side shop, “Tamatsukuri" at 11:20AM. The catfish burger, “Name-Pakkun" is popular here and hard-to-get. But thanks to COVID lockdown, I could get one. But I don’t think it was good. Crumbly and a little smell of mud..

I restarted at 11:40AM. The cycling road was well paved and very safe(pic.6). Only I should be careful when the cycling road crosses a normal road at river bridge. There was a risk of coming across the car there. I reached the edge of the lake, Kita-tone bridge at 12:30PM. It was almost as planned. But from here, the wind became against. That’s why there is no pictures from this point. Though the road was always flat, the strong cold wind pushed back me. I didn’t have cycle computer yet at that time but the speed might be below 10km/h. (pls refer to my notice about seasonal wind in Japan)

Besides I noticed there was no shops to drop in on the south shore. Recently a cafe appeared near point.9(on the map) but I don’t hear any shop appeared on the south shore yet. So I took many rests at the wayside. Initially I felt warm due to the sun but gradually the wind deprived me of my body temperature, which made me shiver. To make it worse, the sun set early in January, so when I approached Tsuchiura city around 4:00PM, it was already getting dark. So I gave up going along the lake and took short cut way, though it took 1hr to reach my guest house, riding on up-and down normal road.

8. Dinner at guest house

When I reached Izumi-so, I got freezing cold and seemed catching hypothermia. Even maximizing heater in the room and wrapped in a thick blanket, shivering didn’t stop for 30min. Thanks to hot bath, gradually recovered.

I took dinner in my room due to COVID. But I could enjoy the local meal in a relaxed situation. The main dish was sweet boiled carp. It’s unusual taste but good. Having other local food like white fish from local river and Japanese sake from local brewery (Fujita brewery) was also nice experience.

9. Morning twinkle on the lake

【DAY2】 Since I went bed early, my body fully recovered so I started at 8:30AM after eating guest house’s Japanese breakfast. It was also nice day and the wind didn’t blow in the morning time, so the lake surface was serene and I could take a nice pic.9.

 From Izumi-so via pic.9 point to Tsuchiura, there is 30km. But as I rode here for the first time, I misunderstood many times that the corner toward south-west already had come before pic.9. So I felt emotionally tired before reaching Tsuchiura. I’ve already rode on the same route many times since then, so I never feel tired now but it’s long surprisingly for those who ride here for the first time.

<Transportation info>

From Tokyo to Tsuchiura: JR Joban line 1hr20min \1,166-

<Other recommendable spots near my route>

Mt. Tsukuba, RinRin road (pls refer to my C-13 article)

Kasumigaura half round : C-1

Kitaura to Tsuchiura: C-1