Kuju-kuri-hama to Choshi(C-7)⭐⭐⭐’21.23rd,Jul


This route is in Area-C “Kanto". See Area-C map/ See Japan map

More info in Strava

Sight and Entertainment ⭐⭐⭐

Foods & Drinks ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Easiness ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Road condition ⭐⭐⭐

Safety ⭐⭐⭐


Riding with my university classmate for the first time. He lives in Chiba prefecture, same with me, so gathering at Oami station(pic.1) around 10:00AM and enjoyed cycling to Choshi city. There was straight 10km from the station to the Kuju-kuri hama(coast) , so I expected to have a lunch at the famous seafood restaurant,"Banya" near the end of the straight road but when we reached there, there was already a long queue. So we rode again a few km ahead. Fortunately there were some seafood restaurants along the sea side road since this coast has many swimming beaches.

The coast is very long and popular for Tokyo area people for sea bathing but the coast mostly couldn’t be seen from the road closest to it and it was around 25km behind Choshi city when we could touch the coast(pic.2,3). I didn’t take pictures but there were cafes, seaside road station near the route, so we dropped in there to take a rest.

 Just before entering Choshi city, there is a hill with narrow road toward city center or bypass road toward Inubozaki lighthouse(pic.8; this time we didn’t go there. The picture was taken when I rode here in ’20). The bypass runs near the Byobugaura which is dubbed as Japanese strait of Dover(pic.7; this time we didn’t go there. same with pic.8). Since Chiba is raised by Pacific plate pressure, we can see the raised strata at east the edge of this prefecture.

6.Restaurant Koukai

We reached Choshi city around 3:30PM. So after taking shower in the hotel, we went to restaurant Suzume around 4:30PM. Choshi city is famous for fishing port(pic.4) and the purpose of staying here is to eat fresh fish cuisine. The restaurant opens at 5:00PM and we were the first guest to make a queue but in 10min after our arrival, there became a long queue after us. I realized the reason after ordering meals. It was relatively low price compared to other restaurants. The taste was of course good but I prefer the restaurant Koukai(pic.6) next to Suzume, which I visited in ’20 alone. Anyway you can enjoy sea food at lower cost here in Choshi. BTW, we drank too much since we met after long time. But this was what I wanted to do with cycling.

8.Inubousaki(edge of Chiba prefecture)

<Transportation info>

From Tokyo to Oami: JR Sobu rapid line to Chiba, then JR Sotobo line to Oami, 1.5hrs, \1,166-

From Choshi to Tokyo: JR Sobu line, or Narita line. 3hrs, \2,310-

<Connection route>

Outer Boso coast to Katsuura(C-5)

Sea side line to Mito(C-8)