Kure to Onomichi(G-3)⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘22.4th,Sep


This route is in Area-G “Chugoku". See Area-G map/ See Japan map

More info in Strava

Sight & Entertainment ⭐⭐⭐

Foods & Drinks ⭐  *up to planning. Kure, Onomichi both have good cuisines.

Easiness ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Road condition ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Safety ⭐⭐⭐⭐

No special event in this route, but I rated it as 4 stars route. The fine weather is one reason, but main reason may be the road, Route-185 is suitable for cycling. I noticed sign of “X km to Onomichi" on the road many times, which meant the route was a part of Shimanami cycling road.

This trip was the Day2 of my G-2 trip. To reach my home(Chiba prefecture) before 6:00PM, I started at 6:0AM from Kure port side hotel(pic.1). Since it was Sunday, local city’s road was quite quiet(pic.2). Though there seemed some up and downs, I didn’t feel toughness. 

 After 20km, the road came to the coastline(pic.4). To ride as seeing oyster farming in the morning was very comfortable. The only artificial spot in this route was Takehara townscape preservation district(pic.5). To my surprise, those old houses are still used by those local residents. There seemed some hotels in the town, it would be nice to stay there to relax yourself.

5.Takehara townscape preservation district

After Takehara city, the road again came close to the coastline whose atmosphere was similar to Shimanami sea side route(pls refer to my H-1 article). When I reached an observatory(pic.6) at 8:30AM, the temperature was already over 30C. So I’ve already got tired but the wide Seto inland sea view healed my fatigue.

6. Observatory “Eden sea"

Honestly the last 30km was tough due to high temperature but fortunately there were less up & down. Rather, the real final 3km from Onomichi city center to Shinkansen station was mentally tough due to continuous up-hill as well as hot temperature.

7.Innoshima bridge(Shimanami sea route)view

I reached Shin-Onomichi Shinkansen station at 10:30AM and my train’s departure time was 11:48AM, so I wanted to enjoy Onomichi Ramen there, but the rural station didn’t have even food court.. I should have dropped in a Ramen shop in city center.

<Transportation info>

From Shin-Onomichi to Tokyo: JR Tokaido-Sanyo Shinkansen around 4hrs. *Change to Nozomi once. \17,830-

<Connection route>

Shimanami sea route from Onomichi : H-1 article.

Hiroshima bay cycling : G-2 article