Kaiji “Chino to Kofu”(E-2)⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘23.16th,Apr


This route E-2 is in Area-E, Chubu-Hokuriku. See Area-E map/See Japan map

Sight & Entertainment ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Foods & Drinks ⭐⭐⭐

Easiness ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ *Opposite direction will be tough

Road condition ⭐⭐⭐

Safety ⭐⭐⭐

It was a heavy rainy day on Saturday and forecast had told me that it would not fine in most regions of Japan on Sunday. But I bet on fine weather on Sunday and started at AM5:30 from my home.

As the limited express “Azusa" went into the west mountains of Tokyo, gradually the sun shine appeared and when it reached Chino city in Nagano prefecture at AM9:07, it became almost clear weather(pic.1). I took R-20 toward east soon after starting at Chino station. To pass the peak, there was a up hill for a while but after passing it, most sections toward my final destination, Kofu were down hill. So it was one of the easiest cycling in my cycling life.

Soon after down hill starting, the south alps mountains as well as Mt.Fuji appeared far away (pic.2&3). Nagano prefecture is surrounded by 3 big mountain ranges — South alps, Chuou alps and north alps, all of which have 3000M height peaks. According to geological scientists, this Fossa Magna terrain in Nagano is very rare in the world, where we can see high mountain ranges very closely.

The down hill continued. Mt.Fuji was looming bigger(pic.4). At the same time the “Houou Sanzan( 3 peaks of Phoenix)" in south alps was also becoming close at right hand side(pic.5).

Since there were many photo opportunities for beautiful mountains, I had to stop frequently (pic.6&7). But this route was unexpectedly very nice if the weather is fine. If not, it must be very boring.

8. Kai-Komagatake in South Alps

The pic.8 is the best shot in this cycling, which was taken in front of a certain company’s office. The famous peak, “Kai-Komagatake", 2,966M height.

9. Mt.Fuji from Route-20

Still down hill continued. After 30km from the starting, Mt.Fuji can be seen very clearly(pic.9) in front of ahead. I could do cycling with enjoying the Mt.Fuji view all the way.

As my planning, I could reach a Hou-tou restaurant, Kosaku at AM11:30. Hou-tou is well known traditional local cuisine of Yamanashi prefecture. Its ingredients are wheat noodle(Udon), pumpkin and other edible wild plants simmered in Miso soup. Since this prefecture doesn’t have wide paddy fields and not rich in agriculture from the ancient era, this cuisine was very precious for local people in the past. The normal Hou-tou which I ordered at \1,300- was a vegetarian menu.

Before going to the Kofu station, I dropped in Kai-Zenko-ji temple. It was established in civil war era, 16th century by a famous samurai lord, Mr.Shingen Takeda. The same “Zenko-ji" in Nagano prefecture is the most famous and older than Kai’s but the Kai-Zenko-ji was built by Mr.Takeda to protect the principal object for worship from the war happening in Nagano prefecture. Here in Kofu city there are many remains of Mr.Takeda.

I could take PM2:16 limited express, Azusa and reached my home before 17:00. It was a very good but easy exercise for me.

<Transportation info>

From Tokyo to Chino (1st limited express): Shinjuku station AM7:00 Azusa No.1 → AM9:07 Chino \5,650-

<Other recommendable spots near my route>

Pls refer to the web site of Yamanashi prefecture

Isawa hot spring

<Connected route>

D-12: Fuji river cycling to Kofu