Gunma to Tochigi cycling(C-17)⭐⭐ ‘23.29th,Apr


This route C-17 is in Area-C “Kanto". See Area-C map/ See Japan map

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Sight & Entertainment ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Foods & Drinks ⭐⭐⭐

Easiness ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Road condition ⭐⭐

Safety ⭐⭐⭐

 There were some spots to enjoy north Kanto region culture since this area was the strategic point of Japanese history from the past but as my conclusion, those were not the places to visit by cycling but just by railway since most are approachable by trains and the city roads to approach them were not fun for cycling. That’s the reason of my low overall rating.

As usual I got on an early train and reached Maebashi station at AM9:10. Rinkokaku(pic.1) is 1.5km away toward North from Maebashi station. It was built in Meiji era, 19C as a guest house and now is one of the national cultural important property. To my shock, it was whole reserved on that day and I could not enter into the house..

Soon I took a prefectural route-3 way to next spot, Ashikaga ancient school. I wanted to see Akagi mountains on the left hand side but the top of the mountains were cloudy and far away. So it was just boring cycling for 40km. In the middle, I reached Watarase river bank(pic.3) but there seemed no cycling road on the bank for a long distance, so I had to soon turn back to normal roads.

5. Ashikaga gakko(ancient school gate)

When I approached Ashikaga city, it felt a little graceful atmosphere. Ashikaga city thrived in 12C and the lords of this area became a “Shogun"(general of JPN) at Kyoto in 13C, and the era continued for 200 years. So there are many cultural remains here though it locates in far North of Tokyo.

Ashikaga school is one of that(pic.5~6). To my surprising, the school was well known in Europe in 15C as the top school of JPN. The documents which describe that at that time in Europe were seen in the old thatch housing.

Banna temple located very close to Ashikaga school(pic.7). It was built in early 12C which has both Chinese and Japanese styles, that is rare. If you have time, you can enjoy shopping streets which have thrived with temple and Ashikaga school.

7. Banna-ji(temple)

It was 7km from Ashikaga city to Ashikaga flower park. There were many visitors from overseas in the park. This park is famous for wisteria and this was the last best timing. The entrance fee was \2100- which made me surprise.. but for the people who want to spend time in various kind of flowers , it must be a nice place. It was just before noon, so many families were gathering at some restaurants.

Those wisterias were very beautiful. We seldom see such many wisterias in Tokyo.

9. White wisteria
10. Wisteria

Among many wisterias, there was a tree which is called as “miracle tree"(pic.11). That tree was shifted from some other place to here when it was 130 years old, which had been said impossible but it survived like this pic.

I enjoyed the park for over 30min and took my way toward a lunch, “Sano Ramen“. It is a famous Ramen in North Kanto region whose city was very close. When I experienced that taste in the past at the service area of a high way, I was not pleased with that, so I didn’t expect too much in this time. I chose ”Kinuya” where a few families were waiting outside for their turn when I reached there at PM12:30.

I could have a seat soon and ordered normal Ramen and Gyoza. Unexpectedly it was simple but very nice taste. the noodle made of local wheat had good stiffness and seasoning was nice. It means authentic taste is good.

Now I had to hurry up to my home since I promised to come back by PM4:00 but there were over 35km left. Besides the south wind blew strongly, so I could not speed up. The road toward Konosu station was boring and many cars and tracks passed by.

Before starting this cycling, I thought it would be around 70km ride but actually it became 90km.. I was a little exhausted. I could reach my home at PM5:10.

<Transportation info>

From Tokyo to Maebashi : JR Takasaki line 1hr50min, to Takasaki. then Ryomo line 15min by local trains. \1,980-. By Shinkansen, 1hr from Tokyo to Takasaki (TTL\7,690-)

<Connected route>

C-16: Chichibu & Kumagaya Cherry blossoms